Angelina Jolie

I think it's fantastic the way she has handled it. She has done a lot of good and gained a lot of respect for doing so.

Well done.
Very brave lady, good luck to her.
She saw her Mum die at the relatively young age of 56 so I understand in a way. Still an enormously brave decision though.
des hardi said:
toby said:
Markt85 said:
Its only two lumps of lard on a woman's chest - admittedly great to look at in a lads mag etc... but if it prevents woman from getting cancer.. why don't they all have them chopped off ? sounds radical i know, but the only reason girls flaunt them is for blokes to perve at.

I have shook my head at this post so much it's about to drop off sometimes Mark you are a right tit !!!!
dont look to be offended blues...... twas a plonks post!
You have to make allowances. He IS a West Ham fan, and therefore tact, diplomacy and common sense are at a premium!
* WARNING * Do not read on if you are feeling suicidal!

Fact of the day, folks - we're all going to die at some point. So why delay the inevitable?

I honestly still can't decide whether to praise or deride Jolie's decision. It almost feels like a coward's way out. And no, I'm not one of those 'It's God's will that we get struck down with A or B' people. Funny how it's usually quite easy to take a stance on an issue, but on this one, I just don't know. What if a person were predisposed to lung or liver cancer? Would they book themselves in for a transplant straight away? As for Jolie's six kids, should we operate on them, too, just in case?
Pictured in London tonight at a film premiere;


Looking well after her recent health issues. And yes; I do realise she can afford the best of healthcare.

And I included Brad for our female BM'ers!
Few answers to questioned posed. Not every cancer has genes mapped, and where they are, few are as directly linked as BRCA1 and 2 with breast and gynae cancers. As for being 'a cowards way out' I don't understand that at all. She was confirmed to have a gene giving 90% risk - so what she did was very sensible, though obviously very difficult. Also only around 10% breast cancer is hereditary and a proportion of this is BRCA related, therefore prophylactic mastectomies won't be sensible for the vast majority of women. As someone else mentioned, if there is a strong family history of breast and gynar cancers is the fa.ily you can be tested on the NHS and offered surge%y if positive. Final point someone mentioned why not wait. Well there's always the chance it could appear and spread before being found. Even if found she'd end up having a mastectomy and may even need 3 months of chemo and then radiotherapy. I know what I'd do though obviously not an easy choice....
Very bad taste joke alert.

What's black with a great set of tits?

Angelina Jolie's bin bag

I'm going to Hell :/
I think removing a nice set of tits from a fit bird should be like chopping down trees covered by a preservation order. The surgeon should be obliged to plant a couple of nice replacements otherwise it is vandalism.

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