Another shooting in america

Very very very sad day for so many people. The lunatic's mother is one of the victim's who worked at the school as a Teacher, words fails me what goes on sometimes. R.I.P.
Latest figures of 2011 by UN ODC: less than 40 people were killed from guns in the UK, in the U.S.A. it was over 10,200.

Amazing how they don't have gun control based on a law written 200 years ago.
Not surprising, that in the worlds most voracious arms manufacturing and distribution hub, people are gun crazy. It's not just availability but a certain consciousness that exists alongside it that make this a dangerous place to live and to be on the wrong side of.
My heart goes out to the innocent children and adults who once again are caught up in this madness. I sometimes really despair about elements of the human race and fear that any kind of peace is increasingly becoming a distant dream for many of the earths inhabitants. Some seriously fucked up shit going on.
chabal said:
Lucky13 said:
chabal said:
The NRA defends the right of Americans to bear arms. The NRA is a major lobbyist on behalf of the gun industry and has for many years argued that gun massacres are a price worth paying for th eliberty to own and use a gun.

It had got everything to do with the NRA.

The Constitution defends the right to bare arms , how many NRA members have committed a massacre?

How many NRA members have defended the right of people bearing arms to committ massacres?

Now, I may be going out on a limb here, I may be completely wrong and if I am, which I must be because you seem pretty clued up, I will apologise profusely but I do not recall there ever being an article in the US Constitution, not even prior to the enactment of the Bill of Rights, giving citizens the right to commit fucking massacres, you big tithead.
Just watched BBC news and they are now reporting that he shot his mam at home then went to her school. Also the guns belonged to her (2 handguns and a rifle). The rifle was found in the car so he used handguns to kill those at the school. He would probably have had to reload. Bastard.

Why oh why does a household need such firepower? 3 guns WTF for?

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