Another shooting in america

Got to improve gun laws, any loon can walk in to a shop and buy a gun. At least over here they ask questions first
Re: Another massacre in the US

SWP's back said:
Bigg Bigg Blue said:
Only in America.
Not sure if you are being silly here.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

We haven't had another (thank Allah) since we stepped up gun control.

most of these massacres happen in america though, whats going on over there?
27 reported dead with 12 kids. the place needs to address its problems, 12 kids, 2 killers for fuck sake, no lone nutter to blame this one on.
Re: Another massacre in the US

SWP's back said:
I would like to say I am shocked and saddened but I can only say I am saddened.

It is one a month over there.

It's very sad, but this statement is becoming easier to say. It's not shocking over here anymore. I'm almost more surprised when we do go a month without one. Flipping through the news channels its like yawn, and flip over to Sportscenter.
Tragically, outrages like this will continue to happen in the US. The genie has long been out of the bottle and no president or presidential candidate will back serious gun control. Too many right wing nutters and vested interests to contend with and they all have a vote and political influence.
Re: Another massacre in the US

chabal said:
Matty said:

How many more before gun ownership is addressed?

Don't bother counting. Michael Moore outlined the problems of gun control in America in "Bowling for Columbine".

There is simply too much money made by making and selling guns for there to be the cultural shift needed to do what this country did following Dunblane.

Was replying with a similar post before thread got moved/ unavailable for a short while.

Bowling For Columbine is a must watch. The USA can never ban the gun unfortunately, it's just too embeded in the psyche of a proportion of the american public.
Sometimes you have to realised that political ideals are prohibitive to workability in the real world Skash.

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