Another shooting in america

They just interviewed a pastor who explained that he owns guns and he's not a bad guy. So much for the argument that buying a gun makes you want to kill people...

This is another part of the problem, people make ignorant arguments and are taken seriously. Somebody also said that since somebody was pushed into the path of a train recently that we'd have to make hands illegal.
buckshot said:
They just interviewed a pastor who explained that he owns guns and he's not a bad guy. So much for the argument that buying a gun makes you want to kill people...

This is another part of the problem, people make ignorant arguments and are taken seriously. Somebody also said that since somebody was pushed into the path of a train recently that we'd have to make hands illegal.
Jesus Christ, is that really the level of "debate" going on over there?


Ps - Have you bought a tank yet?

-- Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:13 pm --

Just seen this:


This is Victoria. She died a hero today. She hid her first graders in the cabinets and closets after hearing the gunfire. When the shooter came to her classroom, she told him that her students were in the gym. He then gunned her down and moved on. She saved the lives of all of her students


Fuck. Just fuck.
SWP's back said:
buckshot said:
They just interviewed a pastor who explained that he owns guns and he's not a bad guy. So much for the argument that buying a gun makes you want to kill people...

This is another part of the problem, people make ignorant arguments and are taken seriously. Somebody also said that since somebody was pushed into the path of a train recently that we'd have to make hands illegal.
Jesus Christ, is that really the level of "debate" going on over there?


Ps - Have you bought a tank yet?

No I have not.

But now there is a police officer on Fox News saying that we need to get rid of gun free zones at school and have armed guards and teachers to stop things like this from happening. Just what we need, more guns.
buckshot said:
SWP's back said:
buckshot said:
They just interviewed a pastor who explained that he owns guns and he's not a bad guy. So much for the argument that buying a gun makes you want to kill people...

This is another part of the problem, people make ignorant arguments and are taken seriously. Somebody also said that since somebody was pushed into the path of a train recently that we'd have to make hands illegal.
Jesus Christ, is that really the level of "debate" going on over there?


Ps - Have you bought a tank yet?

No I have not.

But now there is a police officer on Fox News saying that we need to get rid of gun free zones at school and have armed guards and teachers to stop things like this from happening. Just what we need, more guns.
The kids needs guns too.
SWP's back said:
buckshot said:
SWP's back said:
Jesus Christ, is that really the level of "debate" going on over there?


Ps - Have you bought a tank yet?

No I have not.

But now there is a police officer on Fox News saying that we need to get rid of gun free zones at school and have armed guards and teachers to stop things like this from happening. Just what we need, more guns.
The kids needs guns too.

They need tanks!


On a serious note, that teacher is a hero.
Anyone else feel slightly uncomfortable with news networks interviewing as many child witnesses as they can get hold of in the immediate aftermath? These kids are all under ten years old and have been involved in the worst school massacre in their nation's history. Are they also fair game for haranguing by journalists the minute they get outside the school gates?
I don't know what to say. How anyone could be that disturbed to shoot helpless children, 20 kids, and 6 adults, teachers, many of which, spent their last moments trying to save their students. We've seen mass shootings, but none as bad this. These are national school children, the most innocent of all, many of them weren't more than 5 or 6 years of age. Small enough to be hidden in cupboards and cabinets, who knew nothing of evil and hate.

Families have been destroyed.
The thought of the hysteria and the mass panic, when families were waiting for any sort of news.

A parents worst nightmare, no matter who or where you were, thoughts turned to our families. Obama's speech hit home to us all, you go home to your kids and you hug them tight.
This evil has stollen their innocence, their childhood. We can only hope that some of them are just too young to fully understand what they saw, truth be told, none of us understand what happened.

My last thought goes to the first responders. The families will go home and try to rebuild, but those cops, paramedics etc, face all kinds of evil every single day, but nothing like that. Facing the innocent victims and facing the horror of their families.
How do you go home, you respond to the shooting, see a masacre, what do you do for the rest of the day? They've been trained how to deal with their emotions in the event itself, but it's after, when they close their doors, and go home to their own families is when it must really hit home.
The medical examiner dealing with the bodies as well, God help them.
Plenty of support will be offered to the families involved but I hope as much help will be enforced on the first responders, many of which are hesistant to seek help at all.
They'll be haunted by those events. I just hope they can find a way through that. They are resiliant, but you wonder how they can recover from such an event.

God help them all.

Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
johnny on the spot said:
Anyone else feel slightly uncomfortable with news networks interviewing as many child witnesses as they can get hold of in the immediate aftermath? These kids are all under ten years old and have been involved in the worst school massacre in their nation's history. Are they also fair game for haranguing by journalists the minute they get outside the school gates?

It's absolutely disgusting. And if parents are allowing it then I don't know what to say. Maybe I'm being cynical, but I can see some of the parents saying "Look, you're on the tele" in five years time. It definitely doesn't bring a warm feeling in the cockles of your heart.
buckshot said:
They just interviewed a pastor who explained that he owns guns and he's not a bad guy. So much for the argument that buying a gun makes you want to kill people...

This is another part of the problem, people make ignorant arguments and are taken seriously. Somebody also said that since somebody was pushed into the path of a train recently that we'd have to make hands illegal.

Yeah, church and guns, that will confuse the masses. They're too fucking stupid to understand. Who wants an educated underclass ? Give them guns and keep the costs down.
acquiesce said:
johnny on the spot said:
Anyone else feel slightly uncomfortable with news networks interviewing as many child witnesses as they can get hold of in the immediate aftermath? These kids are all under ten years old and have been involved in the worst school massacre in their nation's history. Are they also fair game for haranguing by journalists the minute they get outside the school gates?

It's absolutely disgusting. And if parents are allowing it then I don't know what to say. Maybe I'm being cynical, but I can see some of the parents saying "Look, you're on the tele" in five years time. It definitely doesn't bring a warm feeling in the cockles of your heart.

Apparently all of the kids who have been interviewed were allowed to be by their parents.

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