Another shooting in america

Swpsback: where was that account from? I'm sure when it came out carter himself said that there was nobody around, but there was an aid station quite close by.

Maybe he was trying to maintain the impact of the photo, but I could have sworn he said when he left, th child was alone
roaminblue said:
Swpsback: where was that account from? I'm sure when it came out carter himself said that there was nobody around, but there was an aid station quite close by.

Maybe he was trying to maintain the impact of the photo, but I could have sworn he said when he left, th child was alone
It came from the other journalists and photographers taking the exact same photo at the very same time. The New York Times wanted to maintain the mystery of the photo they syndicated but Carter kept very quiet.

Here is a more thorough account:

Two Spanish photographers who were in the same area at that time, José María Luis Arenzana and Luis Davilla, without knowing the photograph of Kevin Carter, took a picture in a similar situation. As recounted on several occasions, it was a feeding center, and the vultures came from a manure pit waste:

"We took him and Pepe Arenzana to Ayod, where most of the time were in a feeding center where locals go. At one end of the enclosure, was a dump where waste and was pulling people to defecate. As these children are so weak and malnourished they are going head giving the impression that they are dead. As part of the fauna there are vultures go for these remains. So if you grab a telephoto crush the child's perspective in the foreground and background and it seems that the vultures will eat it, but that's an absolute hoax, perhaps the animal is 20 meters."
Wow, thanks for the info, only ever heard the initial carter story. It makes sense that a photo agency would do something like that, however Carter not helping is the most well known story, which is quite sad.

Back on the.conneticut massacre, a few stories of heroism coming out. A teacher hiding her class in cupboards and telling the shooter that they were in the gym etc. People can be amazing as well as cruel.

Horrible, horrible situation and a truly cowardly act
I avoid reading much about these kind of events with having two kids it makes me feel a bit sick. You send your kids off to school and expect them to be safe and having some madman come in and blow them away doesn't bear thinking about.

I used to go target shooting many years ago before the ban but I'm happy that access to these kind of weapons is not readily available in our country.
Reading some comments from Americans shows that gun control will never be accepted over there. I shit you not one comment actually said "If those kids had access to guns they would have been able to defend themselves" yes because putting a fucking glock in a 6 years olds hands would have solved this issue.

The whole defend ourselves argument is a load of shit. If guns were harder to get hold of they wouldn't need to protect themselves by owning a small arsenal of their own. I actually have a serious offer to move over to the states next year with a pretty decent job but their sheer refusal to tackle the gun problem and their attitude to health care is making it a very difficult decision to make.
Mdr said:
acquiesce said:
Mdr said:
To be fair to those involved, God knows how you'd react in that situation. I'd imagine most of the parents could barely see straight, never mind think straight, and as for the reporters, it's awful, but they were doing their jobs like everyone else. I imagine they were as disturbed by what happened as everyone else on the scene.
Now isn't the time for criticisim.

I'm sorry, it's tasteless. There should be a line. You can report a story without involving children that at best are traumatized and probably have no idea what's going on anyways. A bit of a buffer zone and family time would be good. Not shining bright lights in their faces and having strangers asking them 20 questions.

Ya it could have been done better, and I don't think they should have been involved in it, but at the end fo the day, they were there, in an awful sitution, and they did what they thought they should do.
I'm sure they'll think about it more when time passes. They were doing what theythought was right. I doubt any of them went out there to be malicious or exploit anyone.
They did what they thought they had to do, and I'm sure they were effected by the sitution as well. They didn't know what to do. Would you?

It's like this picture.

It's an amazing picture, and it won an prestigious award but the photographer killed himself shortly after recieving the award. He recieved so much criticism for doing nothing, he also thought he could have done more, but many saw him as just another vulture.
The images and the reactions haunted him, he believed that he could have done more, and all of this drove him to suicide.

It's about reacting in an instant, you make a choice and they'll have to deal with it. Seeing some of the interviews, the reporters were almost as upset as the people being interviewed. What were they supposed to do?
There was nothing normal about that day, so there was no normal procedure to follow. People did their best, what they thought was right.

If the terrible footage and interviews give the US Government some leverage on the National Rifle Association then it has to be a good thing......

I deal with the US in my job and they are such a blinkered nation it's untrue. They think that the world revolves around them and the most striking thing about them (many of them I imagine) is how stupid and introverted they are, little to no knowledge of world affairs

Having spent many family holidays there, the lack of global knowledge is a direct result of their press and TV Coverage which is inwards looking

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