Another shooting in america

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I had the Boston areas version of Talk Sport on today and they were talking about this and lots of people ringing up and saying ''arm the teachers'', ''have a cop at each school''.
So the next nutter just goes to the local Mall, cinema (like last time) or wherever else crowds gather.....

What is shocking to me is I've now lived here for 16 months and I am eligible to buy a gun (not that I want one) as I have residency in the States - but I can't open a bank account as I do not have Massachusetts state issued ID yet. My UK passport or US government issued Green Card are NOT deemed as being sufficient ID!!

The answers in the question sunshine. Buy a gun, rob the bank.
Blue Maverick said:
I always wonder why more of these don't happen in America tbh, there are nutters all over the world, I'm sure it would happen more over here if everyone had access to guns.

Fortunately, we don't have access to guns, which is why we have one of the lowest death rates in the world from gun crime.

I can understand why a farmer needs a 12 bore shotgun to shoot foxes attacking his chickens, but I can't, for the life of me, understand why an urban dweller in upstate wherever wants a rapid fire machine gun with an arsenal of thousands of rounds to protect themselves with. Well, when anyone can buy a gun at their local supermarket, I suppose it makes sense, in a non too sensical way.

They quote the constitutional right of every American to bear arms, but they have totally lost site of the fact the world has moved on, and when that constitutional right was written, their country had no army, and their only defence from invasion was by allowing every person to have a gun. The people were the army.

Every 12 months or so, we watch a news report about some mass slaying in a school, a shopping mall, or wherever, and nothing is done. There are more guns in the USA than anywhere else in the world, but the home of the free will carry on, and it won't be long, give it a few months, before we watch a newscast of dozens of people being shot somewhere else.

I know Britain has it's faults, as does the USA, but most of us can sleep at night without the fear of being shot!
Totnes Blue said:
buckshot said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched Obama make a very emotional speech in Newtown.
Talked a lot of bollocks about God stuff, and some moving words about parenthood etc.
What he didn't say was
"and from midnight tonight the sale of automatic weapons to members of the public is illegal in the U.S.A."
.......the most powerful guy on the planet .......???

Senator Feinstein is going to introduce legislation in January to hopefully do this. The POTUS doesn't have the power to just make up laws.

Neither can he easily change the constitution,"The right to bear arms".There will never be gun control in the US.
Could they not get around this by controlling ammunition?

i.e., You can have the right to bear arms, but we're going to make it extremely difficult for anyone to purchase ammunition.

Either way, it will never happen as there just isn't a widespread appetite to do so.
johnny on the spot said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I had the Boston areas version of Talk Sport on today and they were talking about this and lots of people ringing up and saying ''arm the teachers'', ''have a cop at each school''.
So the next nutter just goes to the local Mall, cinema (like last time) or wherever else crowds gather.....

What is shocking to me is I've now lived here for 16 months and I am eligible to buy a gun (not that I want one) as I have residency in the States - but I can't open a bank account as I do not have Massachusetts state issued ID yet. My UK passport or US government issued Green Card are NOT deemed as being sufficient ID!!

The answers in the question sunshine. Buy a gun, rob the bank.
Nah, do a Michael Moore, go out of state, open up a bank account where you get a free gun:

Lets say they bring in gun control over night, how do they go about collecting the 300 million civilian firearms that are currently owned in the US (enough guns so everybody in the UK would have at least 4 guns each)?
I don't think too many will be voluntarily surrendering them into amnesty boxes at the local cop shop! Massive operation in itself.
Perhaps restricting the sale of assault rifles is a start but the underlying problem appears to be mental health care. Anybody that goes is prepared to carry out mass killings before committing suicide is clearly mentally ill. It would be interesting to see how many of these acts we would have here if gun laws were the same as the US, would we have had more Hungerford massacres and Dunblanes? Allthough mental health care in the NHS is far from perfect, perhaps it is still acting as a decent enough safety net to fish out these types before they go on to commit such acts.
nem said:
Lets say they bring in gun control over night, how do they go about collecting the 300 million civilian firearms that are currently owned in the US (enough guns so everybody in the UK would have at least 4 guns each)?
I don't think too many will be voluntarily surrendering them into amnesty boxes at the local cop shop! Massive operation in itself.
Perhaps restricting the sale of assault rifles is a start but the underlying problem appears to be mental health care. Anybody that goes is prepared to carry out mass killings before committing suicide is clearly mentally ill. It would be interesting to see how many of these acts we would have here if gun laws were the same as the US, would we have had more Hungerford massacres and Dunblanes? Allthough mental health care in the NHS is far from perfect, perhaps it is still acting as a decent enough safety net to fish out these types before they go on to commit such acts.

This isn't the only problem, if laws were introduced, odds are those that wouldn't need them would hand them in but the others wouldn't. Leaving one huge chunk of people extremely vulnerable. It'd be like the Wild West.

There are simply too many firearms in circulation in the US to ever implement, and enforce any kind of law.
I think you have to accept that the average American brain is wired differently to the average European one. Totally different culture.

Although funnily I have a few American friends who all support tighter gun laws. So they're not all the same.
BrianW said:
I think you have to accept that the average American brain is wired differently to the average European one. Totally different culture.

Although funnily I have a few American friends who all support tighter gun laws. So they're not all the same.

People always have to's the crazies that shout the loudest.
The dipshits keep on coming, a gun store owner offers a discount to teachers:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-newtown/</a>

Because there's nothing more American than trying to profit off of a tragedy...

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