Another shooting in america

Blue Hefner said:
The cookie monster said:
Blue Hefner said:
The author of 'More Guns = Less Crime' was just on Sky News. He is adamant that everyone should be able to have a gun to 'protect' themselves from these type of attacks as the majority of these attacks, according to him, happen in gun-free zones.

Personally I think this sort of think is dangerous. The fact of the matter is if guns weren't so readily available these shootings would probably not have happened
I was just listening to him
Didnt he say arm the teachers is the best way?

Yeah, he citied one example of a headmaster having to run home and get his gun when someone came to shoot-up a school. Its frightening to hear someone talk like that
No wonder the presenter lorna dunkley cut him short after that
The cookie monster said:
Blue Hefner said:
The cookie monster said:
I was just listening to him
Didnt he say arm the teachers is the best way?

Yeah, he citied one example of a headmaster having to run home and get his gun when someone came to shoot-up a school. Its frightening to hear someone talk like that
No wonder the presenter lorna dunkley cut him short after that

Only Sky and Fox News would give airspace to a dickhead like that.
The sooner that fucking bent convict Murdoch forgets to breathe the better.
buckshot said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched Obama make a very emotional speech in Newtown.
Talked a lot of bollocks about God stuff, and some moving words about parenthood etc.
What he didn't say was
"and from midnight tonight the sale of automatic weapons to members of the public is illegal in the U.S.A."
.......the most powerful guy on the planet .......???

Senator Feinstein is going to introduce legislation in January to hopefully do this. The POTUS doesn't have the power to just make up laws.

Neither can he easily change the constitution,"The right to bear arms".There will never be gun control in the US.
Totnes Blue said:
buckshot said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched Obama make a very emotional speech in Newtown.
Talked a lot of bollocks about God stuff, and some moving words about parenthood etc.
What he didn't say was
"and from midnight tonight the sale of automatic weapons to members of the public is illegal in the U.S.A."
.......the most powerful guy on the planet .......???

Senator Feinstein is going to introduce legislation in January to hopefully do this. The POTUS doesn't have the power to just make up laws.

Neither can he easily change the constitution,"The right to bear arms".There will never be gun control in the US.

I'd settle for birth control personally.
Swales lives said:
I agree completely with this, sadly though it far too sensible an approach to be swallowed by the U.S. I can picture the faces of methed up rednecks, camouflaged anti-zionists and well-heeled arms manufacturers reeling in horror at the thought of arms controls.

Sounds like you've visited the USA from your couch and telly then?
I always wonder why more of these don't happen in America tbh, there are nutters all over the world, I'm sure it would happen more over here if everyone had access to guns.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -1.1079657</a>

And that is only a small selection. Awful.

But I'm sure if they arm the teachers everything will be ok
Couldn't the children have weapons as well, so they can defend themselves? just a small handgun or something, could have stopped this nutter sooner. These gun free zones are a hazard in themselves, I am amazed I survived so many years of school/college/uni without at least a couple of firearms.
andyblue87 said:
Couldn't the children have weapons as well, so they can defend themselves? just a small handgun or something, could have stopped this nutter sooner. These gun free zones are a hazard in themselves, I am amazed I survived so many years of school/college/uni without at least a couple of firearms.

They should have had their own mini tanks, and kevlar school uniforms. Complete with tactical nukes, fresh from a kinder surprise.

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