Another shooting in america

Johnsonontheleft said:
roaminblue said:
Mexico does have gun laws, but they aren't enforced effectively. Guns over a certain calibre aren't legal to own, but corruption in the police and military means gang members can quite easily get hold of them.

Lower calibre weapons can be kept for personal protection, they should be registered with the government but due to lack of enforcement this process is pretty much ignored.

It's not really a good comparison to be honest


I think it's a sound comparison given that Mexico and the US are neighbours and given the amount of Mexicans residing in the US.

If you drive guns underground then the criminals will have them and law-abiding citizens won't. As the bloke said, 74% of gun fatalities were gang-related and no amount of gun laws is going to stop gangs having access to illegal guns.

I didn't mean its not a good comparison from a geographical, or even nationalistic point of view, I meant from a soci-economic point of view.

Mexico is way behind the united states in terms of education and poverty. If you include factors such as crime rates in general, the corruptedness of mexican officials and culture, the difference becomes even more of a contrast.

For me, the probelm with Mexico goes much deeper than simply gun control. For one, it doesn't have the resource (nor seemingly the inclination) to effectively implement gun control; a problem that I believe primarily stems from it being a currenty deprived of mass education.

Not that I think gun laws per se would neccessarily work in the united states currently. The people who commit gun crimes have often broken a number of laws already, they aren't going to think twice about breaking more. Effective gun control in the United States would need collussion from the population (which I can't see happening) and a brave president.

If you drive guns underground then the criminals will have them and law-abiding citizens won't.

a counter argument to this could be: If a criminal is going to break into your house, if he thinks you have a gun, is he likely to take the risk of a shoot out or simply kill you straight away. If however he knows you don't have a gun, will this alter his actions?

As the bloke said, 74% of gun fatalities were gang-related and no amount of gun laws is going to stop gangs having access to illegal guns

and this is why statistical analysis becomes problematic. It is unfortunately, never 100% certain that you have correct correlation; and impossible to prove causality.

(pop-econ here, readers beware) After the first wave of crack-related gang crime, the United States was in fear of murders, gun-crime, drug crime spiralling completely out of control. In the 90's it actually reduced. The strongest correlation? Not more guns on the street, but the legalisation of abortion in a number of states. The criminals who would have been committing the gang related crimes were simply not being born.

Truth is we can argue any number of points, garner any number of analyses to back up our statement, but none of them can be proven to be completely infalible.

I would wager if a list of all of the gun related crimes were published (and I'm sure it has) quite a large number would be crimes such as muggings and crimes of passion. Fact is, if someone is going to commit a crime of passion, they are going to do it regardless as to whether they have easy access to guns. If someone is going to mug another individual they are going to do it anyway. So why should guns be accessible? Maybe without them we can prevent the ease with which someone's life is extinguished. Maybe crimes of passion will result in a divorce, maybe a mugging will go from being someone shot dead for a hand bag to someone having a handbag snatched. I speculate of coruse, however, I read on another thread recently that there is a positive correlation between making it difficult for a person to commit suicide and a reduction in attempted suicides from a particular point. If we can transfer that correlation here, is it implausible to suggest that if it was made harder to kill someone, that there would be a reduction in murders? If it was hard to get a weapon which makes it so easy to kill, would murders by gun be seen to decrease?

Impossible to say, but I think common sense dictates that that is a distinct possibility.
roaminblue said:
Mexico does have gun laws, but they aren't enforced effectively. Guns over a certain calibre aren't legal to own, but corruption in the police and military means gang members can quite easily get hold of them.

Lower calibre weapons can be kept for personal protection, they should be registered with the government but due to lack of enforcement this process is pretty much ignored.

It's not really a good comparison to be honest

I don't think you are right. Mexico has very strict gun control and you go to jail if you are caught with a firearm, regardless of calibre. Whilst farmers may purchase rifles for pest control, no one else can. However, the cartels and mafia are armed to the teeth.
This guy had a shotgun and only shot twice. How can people not see that this is a better situation than if he had an assault rifle with a magazine that held one hundred rounds?

I'm not saying that this is ok by any means, but the gun nuts will never be totally disarmed.
Essembe said:
roaminblue said:
Mexico does have gun laws, but they aren't enforced effectively. Guns over a certain calibre aren't legal to own, but corruption in the police and military means gang members can quite easily get hold of them.

Lower calibre weapons can be kept for personal protection, they should be registered with the government but due to lack of enforcement this process is pretty much ignored.

It's not really a good comparison to be honest

I don't think you are right. Mexico has very strict gun control and you go to jail if you are caught with a firearm, regardless of calibre. Whilst farmers may purchase rifles for pest control, no one else can. However, the cartels and mafia are armed to the teeth.

There are laws, but these laws only apply to weapons of a certain calibre, .38 and above.

Weapons should be registered with the correct authorities, but due to lack of enforcement this doesn't always happen.

That said, the right to own guns is a constitutional right in Mexico as it is in the United States
And so it begins, the right-wing idiots are coming out with their conspiracy theories regarding Sandy Hook Elementary.

Here's one story:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?hpt=hp_t2</a>

And from what I've seen and heard there are a lot of people saying that the Obama administration carried out the attack to further their gun control agenda.
buckshot said:
And so it begins, the right-wing idiots are coming out with their conspiracy theories regarding Sandy Hook Elementary.

Here's one story:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?hpt=hp_t2</a>

And from what I've seen and heard there are a lot of people saying that the Obama administration carried out the attack to further their gun control agenda.

You're seriously saying that a lot of folk reckon that the government massacred a class of six year old kids to justify proposed firearms legislation?
Absolutely unbelievable,even by American standards.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
buckshot said:
And so it begins, the right-wing idiots are coming out with their conspiracy theories regarding Sandy Hook Elementary.

Here's one story:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?hpt=hp_t2</a>

And from what I've seen and heard there are a lot of people saying that the Obama administration carried out the attack to further their gun control agenda.

You're seriously saying that a lot of folk reckon that the government massacred a class of six year old kids to justify proposed firearms legislation?
Absolutely unbelievable,even by American standards.

I don't think it's a significant portion of the population but there are some crazies that think that Obama is an anti-American muslim terrorist. They think that he wants to disarm Americans so he can declare himself a dictator and install Shia law. Because as it stands now you could easily overthrow the government with guns because all they have are tanks, jets, drones, helicopters, nuclear weapons, the largest standing army in the world and tons of assorted bombs and missiles...
buckshot said:
And so it begins, the right-wing idiots are coming out with their conspiracy theories regarding Sandy Hook Elementary.

Here's one story:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?hpt=hp_t2</a>

And from what I've seen and heard there are a lot of people saying that the Obama administration carried out the attack to further their gun control agenda.

It doesn't make sense as there have been many shootings throughout 2012, and there will continue to be.

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