This is beyond how players may feel. This is about the integrity of Manchester City and kowtowing to UEFA just to appease the self interest of our players is not up for discussion. Nobody is bigger than Manchester City, and only Manchester City can maintain its own dignity. Having anything to do with UEFA from yesterday onwards should be via the courts alone and absolutely all other dealings should cease immediately.
In short our continuance in a competition this season that they have banned us for next season is both ludicrous and untenable. Anyone who thinks otherwise is licking UEFA's arse, and I for one won't do that and I hope somebody with the club realises this quickly and pulls us out immediately. If you are not convinced just ask yourself how, win or lose, we'll be mocked by world media on the nights of those Madrid games. Nobody's going to give a flying f@ck about placards and boos. They'll simply won't show them or dub the sound.