Any expectant Dad's on here?

My boy is 1 next week. Me and wife gave up our season cards last season due to cost and wanting to spend as much time with him as possible. No regrets. FA Cup was a nice send off. Back when he's 5 or 6. Want to enjoy parenthood and do up the house.

Marriage, kids and your own home change you so much.
Manchester1894 said:
My boy is 1 next week. Me and wife gave up our season cards last season due to cost and wanting to spend as much time with him as possible. No regrets. FA Cup was a nice send off. Back when he's 5 or 6. Want to enjoy parenthood and do up the house.

Marriage, kids and your own home change you so much.

can you delete this post as I ve just renewed ticket and have a boy on the way so far missus is ok with me going still but if she accidently read this
A first born is easy to look after. From the moment they start crawling, they are hard work, and more so when they start walking. Tip: don't encourage your baby to crawl or walk. Let it happen naturally.

Becoming a parent is the best thing that can happen to you. I absolutely love it. My little un has just turned 3 and she's contrary, loud, disobedient and cheeky. However, barely an hour goes by without her doing something that I think is adorable.

She loves singing. Her two favourite songs at the moment are "Singing the Blues" and "Championes". She also tells me, and others, on a regular basis that "Spurs are horrible" and "Spurs smell of poo but not wee". It breaks her mother's, and grandfather's, hearts :) The little un seems to have an obsession with the colour blue and starts singing "Sergio Aguero" whenever she sees a picture of him. It's strange as she prefers her mother to me but when it comes to football, it is a different story.
noely said:
Manchester1894 said:
My boy is 1 next week. Me and wife gave up our season cards last season due to cost and wanting to spend as much time with him as possible. No regrets. FA Cup was a nice send off. Back when he's 5 or 6. Want to enjoy parenthood and do up the house.

Marriage, kids and your own home change you so much.

can you delete this post as I ve just renewed ticket and have a boy on the way so far missus is ok with me going still but if she accidently read this
I second this, I've renewed but accepted no away games or Europeans away for a very long time, I'll be happy with league and cup games at home, and cannot wait until I can start taking my son/daughter with me.
Can't wait until we can take our daughter to her first game.
Boyfriend still a season ticket holder with cup scheme but probably going to be letting his brother go to those games so we can save a bit of money and he can spend more time with his little girl.
Roll on next season, can't wait to get back.
Ja Salford Blue said:
me and the missis are expecting our first baby in about 5 weeks, and to be honest I'm shitting myself!

When we found out I was fine with it because I just kept thinking we've got 9 months to sort everything out, now it fast aproaching and we keep thinking of more things that we need!

I'm really excited about though and keep thinking of all the things I cant wait to do with him/her and about how special it's going to be, I just hope I'll be good at being a dad.

oh and it will be born a CHAMPION!

anyone else on here expecting or just had a baby?

You'll both be great parents. Just like your mum & dad (my uncle & auntie) are.
Just make sure you don't get the kids birthday wrong like our Nana did with Auntie Dot!
Got two young uns (2 and 4).
First time is very scary, you get home and think.... what the fuck do we do now ?
It's the best thing that you will ever experience.
Good luck, and remember to pack a pie in the bag for the hospital, the first one takes ages to pop out...

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