Any thoughts as to when Britain will be completed?

He’s a top lawyer. He isn’t without intelligence.

Only time will tell if he chose the right way to lead his party. At the moment, the polls suggest he’s done the right thing to get them elected.

Beyond that, we will soon see what they will do.
I don't doubt they'll get in. Labour could have ran with a mouse as it's leader and it would still win this election, but that's only because the mood music surrounding the Tories has tanked so much.

But I do believe him when he states his positions, and they are weak. All the argument for him seems to be basically that he is lying in order to win, and that he's got a list of initiatives hidden up his sleeve that he will whip out on the 5th July and get to work on. I just don't buy that argument.

But yes, we will see, because there is no way he isn't getting in. I've never made a call on an election result in the past, but I would bet my house on this one if only I had one in the first place.
Starmer is a Silk. You don't get to be one of those unless you are reasonably intelligent. (The exception is one who gets it for being elected an MP. I can't recall the term, but a barrister who gets elected MP gets silk.)

Where Starmer does not convince me is whether or not he has emotional intelligence. Which is very important when taking care of and relating to people, and, by extension, the country. To me, he comes over a tad chill. Like an undertaker's clerk.

Despite this, he seems to me a far better choice than Sunak, who is clueless and almost certainly venal - and as for the likely alternative Tory candidates! Fuck me, some of them would be happy in Adolf's Cabinet and are batty enough to qualify.

We have a stark choice before us. No ideal candidate is on the shortlist, and you can't leave the position vacant. That's reality.
I don't doubt they'll get in. Labour could have ran with a mouse as it's leader and it would still win this election, but that's only because the mood music surrounding the Tories has tanked so much.

But I do believe him when he states his positions, and they are weak. All the argument for him seems to be basically that he is lying in order to win, and that he's got a list of initiatives hidden up his sleeve that he will whip out on the 5th July and get to work on. I just don't buy that argument.

But yes, we will see, because there is no way he isn't getting in. I've never made a call on an election result in the past, but I would bet my house on this one if only I had one in the first place.
We had a similar position here at the last election, Scott Morrison (Scomo) had made a balls of most things, so Labor walked it, first time in many years, even with a weak (not leader material) Anthony Albanese (Anal). He's weak on everything and will get blasted out at the next one. People are pissed off with him.
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It’s about time we started employing people like Martin Lewis to sort shit out, just look at the energy prices coming down again but guess what the standing charges aren’t, he’s pushing to get them lowered even if you don’t use it it’s still £1 a day for the privilege. He knows what real people are going through not these multi millionaires.
We have a stark choice before us. No ideal candidate is on the shortlist, and you can't leave the position vacant. That's reality.
Personally I'm hoping for another coalition or hung parliament. Let 'em struggle to pass any bills for a while, then shuffle their own decks, night of the long knives, and an early election with different leaders of both parties in a year or two from now.

That's about all they're fit for.
He’s a top lawyer. He isn’t without intelligence.

Only time will tell if he chose the right way to lead his party. At the moment, the polls suggest he’s done the right thing to get them elected.

Beyond that, we will soon see what they will do.
You can't do fuck all unless you win. Winning has to be the absolute top priority, then you can actually get shit done.

Tony Blair understood that, as does Kier Starmer.

The far left factions of the Labour Party still don't grasp it.
Personally I'm hoping for another coalition or hung parliament. Let 'em struggle to pass any bills for a while, then shuffle their own decks, night of the long knives, and an early election with different leaders of both parties in a year or two from now.

That's about all they're fit for.
Yeah that sounds like a mint view of the future and exactly what the country needs.

Fuck me..
Flats, bus stations, road & rail infrastructure etc.etc.
When will everything be finished?
When do we reach the promised land?
All I see is a confused mess getting more complicated with each passing week!
Technology changes. Population grows or locally wanes. Infrastructure degrades over time and needs to be repaired, replaced or updated. Britain (and indeed any place in the world) will never be "completed" in the sense you contemplate.

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