Anybody seen a ghost or had a paranormal experience?

I’m ruling nothing out. There was a time that I thought the whole paranormal/ufo shite was just that, shite.
I’m beginning to think that the universe might throw up some curveballs one day though.
Not there being a God though, that’s definitely bollocks. :-)
I’m ruling nothing out. There was a time that I thought the whole paranormal/ufo shite was just that, shite.
I’m beginning to think that the universe might throw up some curveballs one day though.
Not there being a God though, that’s definitely bollocks. :-)
I always thought the whole science big bang theory was a bit like the bible.
In the beginning was the light and the light shone in the darkness or something like that.
Yeah but what was there before God…. He was always there.
Since when. The beginning.
So what was before the beginning? Where did God spring out of?

So. What was there before the Big Bang.

Then what banged?

Well they are delving deeper and deeper into the past now and we are discovering that the universe we know and love is older than first thought.

Technology? Science? The better we get at it, the more secrets we find out.
Who’d have thunk it.

I do wait with baited breath for the reaction from the bible thumpers. The real Old Testament crowd. How will they react to proof that there is life on other worlds, no matter how primitive.
Apparition appeared first time you were on your jacks....

all the people who describe leaving the operating table and watching themselves being operated on ...never left it...though thier body itself is a brain and it knows its knocking on deaths door, chemical soups fly all over getting ready for death.

Come again?
Had a few experiences when I was younger, the thing is if you've seen something with your own eyes no amount of people trying to convince you that you didn't see anything are going to make you change your mind
You don’t actually see ‘things’ with your eyes though. You see light and your brain constructs the thing based on concepts and experience. We must all ‘seen’ a thing that turns out be another ‘thing’ entirely. The brain is constantly predicting what might happen next and then correcting for error. I would not be so presumptuous as to dismiss anyone’s claims regarding supernatural phenomena of which I have no experience, but it is called supernatural for a reason.
Not sure if this qualifies as ‘Paranormal’ but it certainly wasn’t ‘normal’ !

About 42 years ago in school (Sharston, French lesson, Mr Barlow) I was put on the second to last row from the back (apparently I was being a knobhead and disrupting the class),so, nobody alongside me, nobody behind me.

About 10 minutes into the lesson, I felt 3 really hard, sharp pokes into my shoulder blade, that hard they actually jolted me, (you know the type, when teachers used to poke you in the chest) for a brief moment, I thought it must have been one of my mates behind me or something, but then suddenly, I realised that there wasn’t anyone behind me, so I then shot up, looking under the tables, throwing the desks and chairs over, then running towards the door of the class shouting WTF etc and trying to say what had happened.

Of course, ‘Billy fuckin Bendover’ Mr Barlow refused to believe me shouting all sorts and sent me to the head office for ‘The Strap’, went there, tried to profess my innocence but to no avail and got strapped (and detention).

Ever since then, I’ve always thought of Ghosts and suchlike as shit stirring little twats and I’ve no time for them.
mr Barlow Salems lot #spookyshit
You couldn’t have picked a worst example. The noises that dogs can hear are at frequencies that dog’s ears can pick up that the human ear can’t. Science however has enabled us to produce equipment that can hear frequencies well outside of human hearing range, even outside the top and bottom end of what any animal is capable of.

Not a single piece of scientific equipment, when scanning all frequencies possible under the laws of physics, has been ever been able to pick up evidence of ghosts or the supernatural.

That your comment received two likes is damning to the forum.

Your 'laws of physics' are just the new God.

500 years ago they would have put everything down to God. Nothing could exist that God did not permit.

Now you allow yourself to be limited to 'the laws of physics'.

How can you be sure - absolutely sure - that 500 years from now, people will not be saying: 'Imagine - they used to think this was impossible because of what they called 'the laws of physics'. Ha, ha, ha!'?

We haven't even begun to understand the universe. Science is not a constant. What we now call astrology was once 'science'. A doctor would not treat you without considering your horoscope. So was the business of alchemy. Most people think those things are bollocks now. The idea that in 2023 we know everything is laughable.
Your 'laws of physics' are just the new God.

500 years ago they would have put everything down to God. Nothing could exist that God did not permit.

Now you allow yourself to be limited to 'the laws of physics'.

How can you be sure - absolutely sure - that 500 years from now, people will not be saying: 'Imagine - they used to think this was impossible because of what they called 'the laws of physics'. Ha, ha, ha!'?

We haven't even begun to understand the universe. Science is not a constant. What we now call astrology was once 'science'. A doctor would not treat you without considering your horoscope. So was the business of alchemy. Most people think those things are bollocks now. The idea that in 2023 we know everything is laughable.
The laws of physics are tested and and retested and very rarely change,theories based on them change and are accepted or not until a better theory/ is proved usually within the confines of those basic laws of physics hardly the same as gods and astrology.
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The laws of physics are tested and and retested and very rarely change,theories based on them change and are accepted or not until a better theory/ is proved usually within the confines of those basic laws of physics hardly the same as gods and astrology.
Yes, but you miss the point.

Science evolves and what was once a cast-iron certainty is now discarded. People used to believe that they would die (as passengers) if trains went at more than 30 mph. Serious people believed this! There is no telling what science will discover in time. BTW if they 'very rarely change' - they change!

If you went back in time (which probably defies the laws of physics, but never mind) and met the founder members of the Royal Society, you would find a group of very serious, very learned men. You would also be astonished by their ignorance of things we have long since accepted as being factual. I do not predict what the future holds, but I do believe that in 500 years or so they will hardly be able to credit our ignorance or the inadequacy of our understanding.
You can see her trying to keep a straight face.

Is that more or less an admission that this program is fake and made up and not real and unsupernatural

It sort of depends what you mean by made up.

Derek Acorah is a proven fraud - but the person who actually caught him out was the resident sceptic who worked for Most Haunted (Ciarán O’Keeffe). He planted fake names and events deliberately to catch him out and when he fell for it the show immediately binned him off.

I am 99% certain that besides the shit psychics, Most Haunted as a production never deliberately faked anything that happened on the program, mostly because I was a big fan at the time and some episodes were really fucking boring because absolutely nothing happened. Some ended up just being 30 minute history docs about the location. These shows were just about putting a collection of about ten people with different beliefs in an old house and see what happens. Cheap, easy theatre.

Even the episodes where they did capture phenomena it was rarely more than bangs and creaks and footage of orbs (usually caused by dust particles or insects). Yvette and Karl themselves who produced the show are varying shades of sceptical, not die hard believers.

This clip is just exactly what it looks like. A crew laughing like anybody else would because their colleague has just shouted “Mary loves Dick”. I mean… who wouldn’t laugh at that?

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