Anybody seen a ghost or had a paranormal experience?

You went for dinner in two's ...except for when somebody turned up in the bog.
No we went to the pub for our dinner when we had finished prepping the machine we were working on that night. Basically the granulators had been running all day so night shift would go in open up the maintenance doors clean off then let them cool down, this evening i finished first so went to the pub for my dinner first. We wasn't on any clocks, get yer machine done for the morning shift and you were golden, I could do mine in about 2-3 hours that left 9-10 hours of my shift, ghostbusting in toilets or losing money playing Hearts.
Yes, but you miss the point.

Science evolves and what was once a cast-iron certainty is now discarded. People used to believe that they would die (as passengers) if trains went at more than 30 mph. Serious people believed this! There is no telling what science will discover in time. BTW if they 'very rarely change' - they change!

If you went back in time (which probably defies the laws of physics, but never mind) and met the founder members of the Royal Society, you would find a group of very serious, very learned men. You would also be astonished by their ignorance of things we have long since accepted as being factual. I do not predict what the future holds, but I do believe that in 500 years or so they will hardly be able to credit our ignorance or the inadequacy of our understanding.

Being a bit pedantic so forgive me but Laws have no predictive or explanatory power at all.

A Law is simply a description of a phenomena that is observably true. So Newton’s Laws of Motion observe that a body at rest will remain at rest until a force is acted upon it. This is true, we know it to be true because it is observed, it simply “is”.

What we find with time is that these Laws may fail to cover edge cases, that is extreme circumstances where the phenomena is not observed and so we need to make the Law more precise in some way. Newton’s Laws of Motion for example break down when you get to describing very small (quantum) situations. This doesn’t mean that Newton’s Laws are now “wrong”, we still observe the same thing in macrobodies, it just means that they fall short of a holistic description of all phenomena in all cases.

So when people say “The Laws of Physics don’t change”, this is not saying we don’t develop our understanding. It is simply saying that we won’t wake up tomorrow to find that Newton’s Laws have suddenly stopped working. They will continue to apply because they are simply an observation and not an explanation.

Our body of Theories that drives our understanding and application of these Laws continues to develop, but they must develop by definition within the framework of what the Laws allow.
Yes, but you miss the point.

Science evolves and what was once a cast-iron certainty is now discarded. People used to believe that they would die (as passengers) if trains went at more than 30 mph. Serious people believed this! There is no telling what science will discover in time. BTW if they 'very rarely change' - they change!

If you went back in time (which probably defies the laws of physics, but never mind) and met the founder members of the Royal Society, you would find a group of very serious, very learned men. You would also be astonished by their ignorance of things we have long since accepted as being factual. I do not predict what the future holds, but I do believe that in 500 years or so they will hardly be able to credit our ignorance or the inadequacy of our understanding.
That isn't the laws of physics though that's our understanding of how they can be implemented or explained.The actual laws of physics existed at the start of the universe, our understanding them is little changed since Newton and Galileo.
New invetions and new discoveries don't change those basic laws of Physics which you equated to gods and astrology these not the same in any way.
Have had sleep paralysis a few times which is unnerving and weird
I see nothing radical in my belief that at some future point, science will be able to explain stuff we cannot currently get our heads around. And maybe, even, discover stuff that at present we can't even imagine.

You've pretty much just defined science there.

My story:

I used to live in Shrewsbury in a centuries old building that apparently used to be a pub way back when. There were 2 flats in the building above what is now a hairdressers - 1st floor, and I (and my ex) lived on the 2nd floor.

We used to joke about having a ghost, because the front door was incredibly loud opening and closing, as were the stairs, and the doors to the individual flats. Infrequently we'd hear the front door go footsteps up one flight of stairs, then nothing, and there would be nobody in the stairwell (we'd always hear the downstairs flat door open and close when it was our neighbour coming home).

My ex went out for a night out with work, and I was in the other room. About 1am I heard the front door go, the first staircase, then the second. I immediately thought "Charlie's home," which was confirmed when I heard our flat door open, then the bathroom door open and close - I figured she was drunk and needed a slash/to throw up.

Heard nothing then for about 15 or 20 minutes so I shouted and asked if she was ok. No response so I assumed she'd fallen asleep on the toilet or something, we've all done it. Got up, went to the bathroom to help her to bed - nobody in there. Nobody in the flat but me. She got home at about 2am.

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