Anyone Been To South Africa?

bluevengence said:
Been to Cape town a fantastic place loads to do and see,,,Roben island,trip up table mountain,Boulder beach for the penquins,Hout bay trip to seal island,Stellenboch wine region,whale spotting and diving with great whites
fantastic scenery fantastic beaches fantastic food and wine and never felt threatened...oh and no jet lag as it`s the same time zone as britain

So apartheid is alive and well.....
Sparkys-Army said:
What did you guys do about jabs?

Phone your GP tell them where you are going and theyll sort out the jabs. You'll have to take malaria tabs as well (depending on where you are going)

Piece of piss really
schumey04 said:
Sparkys-Army said:
What did you guys do about jabs?

Phone your GP tell them where you are going and theyll sort out the jabs. You'll have to take malaria tabs as well (depending on where you are going)

Piece of piss really

I'll add that to my list of 'things to do' for tomorrow. Cheers.
We went to RSA about 10 years ago, and it is a stunning country to visit. The scenery is amazing, the people are friendly, and the roads are excellent. If you have a bike licence, hire one and enjoy smooth roads with little traffic.

One tip I will give you is visit a private game park. Game reserves like the Kruger are vast in size, but you have to stay in your vehicle. You can see some amazing things, and we were very lucky, we saw a lion kill, but as the guide said, you can often drive through the Kruger and see nothing.

Private game parks are different. The rangers are on their radios finding out where the animals are, and you will walk through the bush to see them. We got within 20 yards of a pair of Cheetahs, 20 yards from a Rhino, 20 yards from a herd of elephants, walked through a pride of baboons 50 strong, 20 yards from a pack of wild dogs, had brunch by a lake with crocodiles and Hippos bobbing their heads up and down not too far away, had monkeys taking the piss and nicking our food, found a wild tortoise, but the best bit was, as we sat in our Land Rover (Yes, you do have to travel in vehicles to get about), we could see movement in the bushes, and a few minutes later we were surrounded by a pride of Lions, and they were literally within touching distance.

I could go on, but what I'm saying is the wildlife in Africa is something you must take in.

It's a savage, relentless and brutal environment, full of shit, bones and rotting carcasses, but you can't go all the way there without seeing it first hand.

It may not seem to be your cup of tea, but if you see if first hand, it will leave you with memories that will last you a lifetime.
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
We went to RSA about 10 years ago, and it is a stunning country to visit. The scenery is amazing, the people are friendly, and the roads are excellent. If you have a bike licence, hire one and enjoy smooth roads with little traffic.

One tip I will give you is visit a private game park. Game reserves like the Kruger are vast in size, but you have to stay in your vehicle. You can see some amazing things, and we were very lucky, we saw a lion kill, but as the guide said, you can often drive through the Kruger and see nothing.

Private game parks are different. The rangers are on their radios finding out where the animals are, and you will walk through the bush to see them. We got within 20 yards of a pair of Cheetahs, 20 yards from a Rhino, 20 yards from a herd of elephants, walked through a pride of baboons 50 strong, 20 yards from a pack of wild dogs, had brunch by a lake with crocodiles and Hippos bobbing their heads up and down not too far away, had monkeys taking the piss and nicking our food, found a wild tortoise, but the best bit was, as we sat in our Land Rover (Yes, you do have to travel in vehicles to get about), we could see movement in the bushes, and a few minutes later we were surrounded by a pride of Lions, and they were literally within touching distance.

I could go on, but what I'm saying is the wildlife in Africa is something you must take in.

It's a savage, relentless and brutal environment, full of shit, bones and rotting carcasses, but you can't go all the way there without seeing it first hand.

It may not seem to be your cup of tea, but if you see if first hand, it will leave you with memories that will last you a lifetime.

Seeing the animals is top of my list as it's something i'd like to do in the future as a job so it sounds freaking amazing!
Little update - It's all been payed for and heading out April 30th for 2 months with the option to stay longer. Will most likley be pming a few of you chaps with some more information about places to go and things to prepare etc.

The strange thing now is that i keep seeing crime rates about South Africa on the internet but before i never saw anything! Bit freaky.
The Flash said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Would love to go on safari but South Africa is one place I would not be comfortable taking my kids to. Too dangerous from what I've heard (and read on this thread!)

You'd hate it.
You can only shoot animals since apartheid ended.
I've travelled this old world of ours from Barnsley to Peru
I've had sunshine in the arctic and a swim in Tinbuktu
I've seen unicorns in Burma and a Yetti in Nepal
And I've danced with ten foot pygmies in a Montezuma hall
I've met the King of China and a working Yorkshire miner
But I've never met a nice South African.

No he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising man
'Cause we're a bunch of arrogant bastards
Who hate black people


Anyway. Don't go surprising anyone.

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