Anyone else been accused of the Glory Hunting Tag yet?

I have lived in Derby now for the last twenty years and get it all the time. Fed up with telling people about 15 years as a season ticket holder at the Academy. First game there for me in 1972 ! There are a lot of people envious now of the money we have,despite their clubs having spent vast sums on players over the years. Oh well i have broad shoulders and can take the stick ! In fact its quite nice to walk into my local pub and immediately be engaged in coversation about City. It gives me a chance to educate them!
I think the fact that we WERE here when we were shit hurts them more than our money and our rise up the league.
They just have nowhere to go with it.
My rag mate likes to use it all the time. Here is the tale of the tape:

Me: been going home and away since 1988, watched utter, utter shite but enjoyed it all the same.

Him: Never once set foot in OT, has even lied that he's been, (once said he went to watch United v Feberhache in the CL, came into work the next day saying how awesome it and OT was. We let him have an hour of bragging before kindly informing him the match was away in Turkey). I've been to OT more than him, (England v Greece).

I let him think he's winding me up, gives him a purpose. I'm kind like that.
Funny enough after our win the other week, I had to put my flag up at work( cos i can) any way cos its Newton on the Heath and their spiritual home lol I have had lots of comments regarding my glory hunting. I just smile and say oh yes its all good isn't it. Then up pops my assistant manageress lovely girl knows nothing bout footy and says excuse me he's the biggest City supporter you will ever know. Thanx Ellie love you loads.
yeah i find it hilarious. the same rags who give me shit for being a 'glory hunter' (season ticket since 97/98 at 6 years old), are the same rags who then give us shit for 20,000 empty seats. surely we've either got loads of glory hunter or we're a shitly supported club
no matter where u go in the country the rags are shitting themselves because the sad bastards all thought that when they bought that replica rag shirt n car sticker in 99 they would be part of the "dread armys" world domination of football till time ends.....................

PARP.....wots that smell!!!
Yeah had some 18 yr old rag in his Wooney shirt saying i only support City cos they are top , what a moment (had my Balo why me shirt on under coat ) opened my coat and Laughed haha even cashiers in bookies laughed !!!!
r.soleofsalford said:
no. just recently for some reason they dont speak or even make eye contact.

perhaps they`ve gone off football.

Coming to terms with a sea change to the status quo has been traumatic for a lot of Dippers, Reds an' Arse fans. The comments have generally spun around the notion that they have a god given right to a seat at the top table. Always thought football fortunes were a cyclical thing. Some times yer up and sometimes yer in Div 3. The true football fan can cope with any eventuality. Talk to some of the guys whose teams have gone and vanished. I don't know how these Glory-hunting accusants manage their lives 'cos they haven't got a sensible grip on their football.
It's jealousy! I've been called a glory hunter by my boss, who I worked with for 20 years and he knows how long I've supported City.

And yes..... I was there on Saturday December 19, 1998: York City 2 Manchester City 1
onetruesaxon said:
im getting into a few scrapes over this type of thing!i work all over in construction and have always wore old city shirts for work and in 10 years nobody said one word about me wearing a city top,now fast forward to now i get shit every day!i always get the "bet you supported chelsea last year" which makes me fill will rage! " so i say ive been going 15 years,then then the comon reply is "you cant be happy with all the money blah blah what if the shiek pulls out blah blah"
I`ve not been accused of being a glory hunter but its been said quite a few times that we have attracted loads of G.H`s !!! my answer to that is "well where do all these extra thousands of fans sit ? " when they ask what do you mean ? I tell them our average crowd is up only several hundred, so where are all these G.H,s ???? as for the nonsense about the Sheik pulling out I say " so they`ve invested billions into Manchester and City with more to come and they`re going to pull out :)) and even if they did we wont be in debt, and i was a city fan before and always will be, so what "

The truth is though our profile around the country has rocketed and we probably have attracted a significant amount of A.B.U, thats f**king brill innit ;))

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