Anyone else feeling pretty confident?

Felt confident after the two draws with Liverpool and Arsenal although, I must admit, I thought Arsenal would drop more points since so the Spurs game would have lost it's importance.

Will have to take my heart medication before the game tomorrow night, I think. But yes, still confident safe in the knowledge that Liverpool and United won fuck all (yes I know) and Arsenal, to be fair, deserve it if we can't quite do it this year.
I also expected Arsenal to drop more points rendering this game a free hit. They have been such lucky twats to play a dishevelled out of sorts Chelsea, a severely depleted rags team and were lucky to beat Spurs (They got the rub of the green 3 times in that game alone). However difficult the game at Spurs is, I have ‘nervous confidence’. I trust the team.
We have lots of experience obviously going to the wire. I don’t want to be goals down going into the final period of the last game again though!
Maybe it's just me but I have never felt like we wouldn't win the title the whole season. Not even when we were dropping points all over the place. I just don't feel like any other team can match us. We're easily the strongest and best in the country and even when Liverpool and Arsenal were sat top of the league all that time I was still pretty much 100% confident the league would be ours again. I have never been worried.

We'll win our last two games about 4-1 and lift the title without bother. Honestly, I can see us winning it again next season aswell. We're City. We're the best.

Honestly, it might come across as cocky but I just have that much confidence in this team. We're unstoppable.

Four in a row, guys. Next week it's four in a row.
I was sat with a few lads watching the European Cup Final and one of the lads (who I'd never met before) asked if I was confident we would win.
I told him I had supported City since the mid 1960's and to this day, the only time I am confident is when we are 4 nil up with 2 minutes to play.
Unfortunately, I doubt that will ever change.......fuckin City!!!
We have not only looked good lately the pressure doesn’t seem to get to our players and we don’t panic, whereas if arse need a goal with 10 minutes to go they will be diving and shithousing and will fall apart
Unfortunately, it has worked for them all season! Expect to see a lot more of it next season, as Arteta and his coaches are connoisseurs of the Dark Arts!

At this point, though, even if City win both games and win the PL, the media will give Arsenal all the credit for not bottling it and taking us the whole way, while saying we SHOULD have won based on (fill in the negative, misguided slur of the day!).

Just watch…IF we do make it 4 in a row for the first time in history, the “115 charges” accusations and “Judge, Jury & Executioners” in the media (social and mainstream) will demand an end to City’s dominance. After all, it’s not fun creating a dynasty if you play in sky blue, only red!!!
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I thought we were there for the taking that day, and it would have given them a huge boost.

The way they celebrated at the end was a strange one for me and showed a weakness but only the next two games will show who was right.

Yea, I was meaning the day before, not after the match had finished

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