Anyone else feeling pretty confident?

Very confident.

We will win tomorrow night, I said before the Fulham game that this group of players and management are machines.

We will win tomorrow because we have to win, The players know what needs to be done and they'll get us the three points that we need.

We've been in numerous title run ins over the years and we've been to many difficult places needing a win and we got the job done on every occasion and tomorrow will be no different.

We will create a bucket load of chances, Be clinical on front of goal and we will win this game very comfortably.

I'm not nervous at all, I'm buzzing for this game, We're in yet another title race it's fucking great!
Exactly this we know how and when to win
Arsenal lost the title when they lost to Villa
Everything else is just noise to try and disrupt us
Pep said ages ago we need to win all our games and that’s whet the players have done and will keep doing
All we can ask is Spurs put as much effort into win that game as the rags did. Also drop players and play a weakened side. After all it’s only fair. The rags had no intention of competing in that game yesterday, hence why their two key players didn’t play. Let’s hope Spurs return the favour :)
Not sure they will play kids imagine the outcry in the media
Would be good if they did though
Very confident.

We will win tomorrow night, I said before the Fulham game that this group of players and management are machines.

We will win tomorrow because we have to win, The players know what needs to be done and they'll get us the three points that we need.

We've been in numerous title run ins over the years and we've been to many difficult places needing a win and we got the job done on every occasion and tomorrow will be no different.

We will create a bucket load of chances, Be clinical on front of goal and we will win this game very comfortably.

I'm not nervous at all, I'm buzzing for this game, We're in yet another title race it's fucking great!
100%. If we can't beat spurs then we have no business being in this title race.
I'm with Pep. One game at a time. The only game we have is the Spurs game. I understand some may want to look up and see the finish line, but the players mustn't. They can't afford to think about goal difference or other teams.
It's Spurs and only Spurs. Go for the throat, strangle them as we have done the last few weeks, choke the possession out of them, then do the same to whoever it is we play next.
As for us, the fans, never forget that this lot are one of the leaders of the group who wanted us put out of business. No mercy.
(I'm sure our away support will drive the team on (awesome at Fulham again.)

Imho, of course.
It won't be smooth sail to finish, I'm sure a few scares over next 2 games but confidwnt this team will get it so be now
Neither Spurs nor West Ham want Arsenal to win the Premier League. There’s some real hate between these clubs.

Whilst I don’t expect either to roll over for us, they’re regular matches we should be winning.

I’ve been thinking about Spurs Away for a while now which is quite unlike me.
Tonight could have a big influence, If Villa sew up the champions league spot then Spurs could play a few kids and take a more relaxed approach.
im sure this will happen if villa win there game, if not then spurs fans find themselves in a very strange situation of either a possible CL spot or there rivals winning the title and through reading the forums its the later they dont want to happen, ofcourse thats the fans point of view and not the team but that will filter on to the pitch esp if spurs score first
This will be the usual hard game at Spurs. We take our chances, we'll win but if we give Son the freedom he usually has, we could be in for a tough evening.

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