Anyone else feeling pretty confident?

Yes we have to credit Arsenal, as much as I dislike them. They've held their nerve this year and done extremely well against the top six, better than we have. They were fortuitous against ourselves but still got four out of six points. I actually think this season could be pivotal for their future. They've been almost perfect, while by our own high standards we've been just slightly off it. If we win it from here it could really damage their mentality. If they win it I expect them to get even stronger.
The one positive for us and negative for Arsenal is their performance at the Etihad.

For me that was a game they should have won but their negative attitude to that game ( hopefully) will come back to haunt them.

If they has beaten us that day, for me that was our title challenge done for me.
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My sentiments and feelings exactly.

To the very confident "Relax we've got this" posters, how does defeat impact you? As you're so confident we'll win, is it a hammer blow, or do you just shrug it off in the laid back manner you approach important must win games? I'm curious.
A 'normal' game I'm pissed off for a bit as there's always another week to put it right, the big games this last few weeks, tomorrow, Sunday & next Saturday will take longer to get over but next season we'll put it right if the worst happens.

We have a terrible record at spurs but records are there to be broken & we have the best team in the world at doing this.
Tonight could have a big influence, If Villa sew up the champions league spot then Spurs could play a few kids and take a more relaxed approach.
I don't think they will play kids but the 50/50 challenges when there is nothing to play for and they have a holiday to the Maldives booked for next week won't be too appealing.
The one positive for us and negative for Arsenal is their performance at the Etihad.

Foe me that was a game they should have won but their negative attitude to that game ( hopefully) will come back to haunt them.

If they has beaten us that day, for me that was our title challenge done for me.
They were very negative that day, but history will judge if it was the right call.

Getting just a point could win them the league on GD, or cost them the league if we win the next two. Hopefully the latter and Arteta spends the summer regretting his lack of courage.
Watching that dross yesterday between the worst ever PL rag team and the Tarquins and you know we’re the best team in the land. So if we do what we know we can do, we’ll be fine. Doesn’t mean we can’t get unlucky though, I don’t see a cricket score tomorrow so it’s going to be a nervous ending whatever the result.

C’mon City!
Feeling nervous? Tense, nervous headache? Calm yourself with three minutes of this…

Chance after chance. 1 was enough. They had one, and Ortega smothered it.
If villa win tonight then spurs can't get champions league but I still expect them to be professional against us. I want to say it's got the feel of going to Newcastle in 2012 and the rags away in 2019 where it was both must win.
If we play at our level nobody can touch us.

I've changed my mind in less than 2 hours, I expect me to have clocked up at least 50 posts on this thread before kick off tomorrow night as I'm changing my thoughts hourly.

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