Anyone else think Mario is a right laugh?

as someone pointed out on another thread, he can become a liability, super talent maybe, but he aint showing it , and quite frankly, hes been pretty poor overall, needs to grow up and knuckle down and work, but im not sure he will do that
de niro said:
The boy is a dick, talented but a dick. He needs to grow up and fast, as it is he's useless to us.

I think useless is a bit of a strong word. His 8 goals and 1 assist so far proves even with his current attitude he's very far from useless. I think most of us are just wondering where the seemingly much improved Balotelli at Villa has gone. He was a model pro in that game, showing his quite clearly capable of not being a ****. I think we're all equally excited too in that if this is him being petulant and still settling in, what will he be like firing on all cylinders!?
de niro said:
timesprout said:
Think ive heard of a team that once had a talented dick in the squad. You wouldnt believe it, poems about seaguls and kung fu kicks on fans. Helped them to higher things tho
Cuntana was miles more disciplined than mario, as for the Kung Fu kick good on him, that twat deserved it.

I agree with De niro on this,

Cuntana was a cock , and apart from the kick, he usually knew where to draw the line.

Mario just seems to have a general attitude problem and needs to sort that temper out fast.
In his defence though, He has not really had a good run for us yet, I think once he puts one together hopefully he willl soon realise that you wont get away with spiting the dummy out.

I dont know about anybody else but when he gones on the pitch my feeling is not "wander if he will score today" its " wander how long he will stay on"

With time im sure he will settle
*singingtheblues* said:
BurnCK said:
He'd be funny if he actually did something in a game

Give up on football, please, you clearly have a very limited understanding of the sport.

Wrong , the guy is bob on, for someone so talented he's letting petulance overtake his football.

We all know he can play but he's one fucking Mard arse.

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