Anyone else think Mario is a right laugh?

He's got a personality which instantly makes him stand out in the world of football.

It's a shame some of the slower lot can't cotton on to the lads talent but it's no surprise, most of our players are only ever 2 mediocre games away from a slating.
*singingtheblues* said:
BurnCK said:
Oh come on, he's doesn't do that much. Certainly nothing worthy of note. Not saying the potential isn't there.

very limited understanding of the sport

Really, so please share your vast footballing knowledge with us.

I'm not doubting the lads got talent, but if he put as much effort into actually playing football as he does falling on the floor, complaining, sulking and mooching about then he'd be awesome. Yeah he's got skill and the odd little nice trick and flick, but he hasn't done anything to impress as yet.
Potential means nothing if you don't fulfill it.

Please share your insight if you're able to type more than a one sentence without re-quoting it....
100%manc said:
de niro said:
Cuntana was miles more disciplined than mario, as for the Kung Fu kick good on him, that twat deserved it.

I agree with De niro on this,

Cuntana was a cock , and apart from the kick, he usually knew where to draw the line.

Mario just seems to have a general attitude problem and needs to sort that temper out fast.
In his defence though, He has not really had a good run for us yet, I think once he puts one together hopefully he willl soon realise that you wont get away with spiting the dummy out.

I dont know about anybody else but when he gones on the pitch my feeling is not "wander if he will score today" its " wander how long he will stay on"

With time im sure he will settle

cuntana was 27 years old when he goes to the rags.

it dont seem to me very fair to compare a 20 with a 27 guy
I think its great, he beleives he can do well, he wants to do well, he's frustrated when he cannot play.

Waited til he was off down the tunnel before he reacted too... so there is some restraint there.

But i think it's more about him wanting to be an important player than greed and wanting to be centre of attention.
I really couldn't care less about his antics. What I do care about is the contribution he makes to a football match.

The bottom line is, he is pretty ineffectual most of the time because of his piss poor attitude.

I have little doubt he has more raw talent than Tevez. But it's not just about raw talent, it's about what you do with it. Contrast the contribution yesterday between Balotelli and Tevez. Balotelli strolling around, ocassionally lashing it over the bar from 35 yards, falling over and taking random kicks at people. Not good enough mate, simple as.
I dont see any problem.
Other than maybe Silva, in the 13 games Balotelli has played he's become my favourite current player. The guy is class and has a winning attitude.

Some of you expected him to be happy and smiling yesterday after he had his ankle stamped on nd was subbed off. He is miles ahead of Dzeko in terms of ability. "dzeko needs time to settle" Balotelli scored 8 goals in 13 games while hes settling in :)
GStar said:
I think its great, he beleives he can do well, he wants to do well, he's frustrated when he cannot play.

Waited til he was off down the tunnel before he reacted too... so there is some restraint there.

But i think it's more about him wanting to be an important player than greed and wanting to be centre of attention.

I agree, his antics are born out of frustation at his own shortcomings, as mario just pointed out, he's 20.
I can think of a few players younger than he though who are/were far more mature.
If he and club get him right he will be outstanding for us, my worry is his sulking will see him leave the club, then another club benefits from the experience he's gained at city.
de niro said:
*singingtheblues* said:
Give up on football, please, you clearly have a very limited understanding of the sport.

Wrong , the guy is bob on, for someone so talented he's letting petulance overtake his football.

We all know he can play but he's one fucking Mard arse.

It's wrong because you say so?

I said it in another thread, and I'm not going to go into it again, because to be perfectly honest, reading what has been written on this forum about him last night and this morning has really fucked me off.

Why should his attitude detract from his ability as a footballer?

He was our best player in the first half yesterday.

Meh, If you want my opinion, go and read the 20+ page thread. I'd like you to defend some of the comments in there.

I'm fighting a losing battle in a crusade against the retarded, and my patience is wearing thin. Anyway, I'm going to log out before I talk myself into a ban.

BurnCK said:

Really, so please share your vast footballing knowledge with us.

I'm not doubting the lads got talent, but if he put as much effort into actually playing football as he does falling on the floor, complaining, sulking and mooching about then he'd be awesome. Yeah he's got skill and the odd little nice trick and flick, but he hasn't done anything to impress as yet.
Potential means nothing if you don't fulfill it.

Please share your insight if you're able to type more than a one sentence without re-quoting it....

He reminds me of a guy who used to play in Trafford. He was called 'cocky', berated for a lack of end product and generally reviled...then he became one of the best players to ever play the game.
*singingtheblues* said:
de niro said:
Wrong , the guy is bob on, for someone so talented he's letting petulance overtake his football.

We all know he can play but he's one fucking Mard arse.

It's wrong because you say so?
I said it in another thread, and I'm not going to go into it again, because to be perfectly honest, reading what has been written on this forum about him last night and this morning has really fucked me off.

Why should his attitude detract from his ability as a footballer?

He was our best player in the first half yesterday.

Meh, If you want my opinion, go and read the 20+ page thread. I'd like you to defend some of the comments in there.

I'm fighting a losing battle in a crusade against the retarded, and my patience is wearing thin. Anyway, I'm going to log out before I talk myself into a ban.

BurnCK said:
Really, so please share your vast footballing knowledge with us.

I'm not doubting the lads got talent, but if he put as much effort into actually playing football as he does falling on the floor, complaining, sulking and mooching about then he'd be awesome. Yeah he's got skill and the odd little nice trick and flick, but he hasn't done anything to impress as yet.
Potential means nothing if you don't fulfill it.

Please share your insight if you're able to type more than a one sentence without re-quoting it....


And we know nothing about football because you say so ??
See this is the problem with fuck-wits like you. You can't read posts properly and see the point people are trying to make. At any point did I say Balotelli out ??? All I'm saying is that he needs to make more effort in games and stop think he's the best thing since sliced least until he's proved it.
So you think he was the best player in 45 mins agains Notts County....woopie fucking doo.

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