Apart from sprouts, what is the most rubbish food ever?

It has to be made correctly Mr Worth or you create inbalance within the ingrediants. There are many flavours out there, with only Banana hitting the gold mark seal.

It's critical you prepare using whole milk, and then transfer into individual portion sized serving bowls letting them stand at room temperature for ten minutes. Then it's off to the fridge for a minimum of two hours to chill.

In a busy manic world there's still some things that can't be rushed, and this eternally working class pudding is one of them. Bird’s launched Angel Delight in 1967 as strawberry and cream flavour with the company becoming a powerhouse in instant desert, rising to full prominence in the heady 70's.

Their marketing campaign back in the day, made the pudding out to be the most vital part of your life imaginable and gen-70's kids no doubt still have nightmares of those bygone adverts.

Tell me you never hummed along to this advertising jingle. (Its delightful)

When I was a littl'un, back in the day when we slept in coridor or shoe box and had to wear knitted batman outfit with a cardboard batarang weighted with a penny sellotaped in t' middle, our only sustenance was mashed tatties leeched purple from pickled beetroot with sago and prunes for afters.
Lunch was a butterscotch angel delight sarnie, mothers pride with a sugar 'garnish'

Made me what I am today.
When I was a littl'un, back in the day when we slept in coridor or shoe box and had to wear knitted batman outfit with a cardboard batarang weighted with a penny sellotaped in t' middle, our only sustenance was mashed tatties leeched purple from pickled beetroot with sago and prunes for afters.
Lunch was a butterscotch angel delight sarnie, mothers pride with a sugar 'garnish'

Made me what I am today
Rice puddin/risotto.
Both are Satans ass slurry, and anyone who likes them is a twat.
Not strictly food, but a sauce

That Levi Roots' Reggae Reggae shit.

Get a jar of of smooth pickle that's been left out in the July sun to go off, and add a sprinkle of chilli powder.

Vomit inducing

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