Sorry to be picky chaps but there were 80 odd sailors killed down south not all 255 were brave soldiers.

A pause for thought but that total was in 6 weeks.
As for Thatcher she did make the decision to send the troops down there but Labour cancelled the carriers in the 60's which may have pevented it in the first place.
I have Argentinian heritage and served in the british army for 4 and a half years, I'll wear whatever shirt I choose and carry whatever flag I choose.

Who owns the Falklands anyway? and how did they get it based on it's geographical location? Argentina feel they have as much right to it as we do so they tried to take it, they didn't we won but both side lost many young men. Grow up.

Ridiculous little englander comments
It won't happen.

I still can't quite believe the rags actually sang this with such glee??? Just one of the myriad differences between them and... The rest of humanity.

Such wankers!
tonythecoleman said:
Cottonopolis said:
All those sky blue and white flags will look great. And don`t forget thatcher was to blame for the deaths in the falklands. When she dies i will get pissed.
as i read this,im watchin wooten bassett you piece of shit,hope she out lives you DISRESPECTUL TWAT.GET OF THIS FUCKING SITE.he aint one of us brothers.
And who sent them over there. Blair and brown typical politicians who never have to put theselves in the firing line, like thatcher didn`t. I have actually taken part in a naming of the dead ceremony with Rose Gentle and other members of` military families against war`.
eato said:
I have Argentinian heritage and served in the british army for 4 and a half years, I'll wear whatever shirt I choose and carry whatever flag I choose.

Who owns the Falklands anyway? and how did they get it based on it's geographical location? Argentina feel they have as much right to it as we do so they tried to take it, they didn't we won but both side lost many young men. Grow up.

Ridiculous little englander comments

f*** off to the guardian's forum
pee dubyas crayons said:
eato said:
I have Argentinian heritage and served in the british army for 4 and a half years, I'll wear whatever shirt I choose and carry whatever flag I choose.

Who owns the Falklands anyway? and how did they get it based on it's geographical location? Argentina feel they have as much right to it as we do so they tried to take it, they didn't we won but both side lost many young men. Grow up.

Ridiculous little englander comments

f*** off to the guardian's forum

I rest my case, total ignoramus, I guess the irony of your username is lost on you.......

May I suggest you hop off to the Daily Mail's forum, I'm sure you'd be right at home with there brand of simplistic black and white xenophobia for non thinking plebs
pee dubyas crayons said:
eato said:
I have Argentinian heritage and served in the british army for 4 and a half years, I'll wear whatever shirt I choose and carry whatever flag I choose.

Who owns the Falklands anyway? and how did they get it based on it's geographical location? Argentina feel they have as much right to it as we do so they tried to take it, they didn't we won but both side lost many young men. Grow up.

Ridiculous little englander comments

f*** off to the guardian's forum

Just stop before it goes any further mate. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Song should not be sung, end of!
I have been posted to the Falklands 3 times so I have spent 18 months there in total, I lost my father in the conflict when I was 7, yet hold no grudges against the people of Argentina, young men go to war for their countries often of the basis of money motivated political decisions. The falklands was somewhat of an exception, in their size and resources meant it wouldn't be worth defending. It was the peoples chocie to remain part of the UK anr our duty to endeavor to protect their freedom.
However if we held grudges against every nation we have been to war with then we would hate americans\germans\spanish etc etc.
War serves a political purpose that is completely separate to the respect of those on the frontline risking their lives.
The chant AR-GENT-INA was used in the propaganna prior to the invasion and that together with the cheese eating surrender monkey supplying the exocerts will be an lasting image will be a lasting memory for many who lost realtives like me.
I wouldn't go as far as saying I find it offensive, but its certainly disrespectful and on a par with the morons making hitler gestures at the 06 world cup.

To anyone who feels like chanting this, can I ask that they consider the following sceenario, imagine if the guy Sven wanted from Iraq about Jan 08 (Sorry can't remember his name) got a work permit and turned out to be great, would you as a City fan feel comfortable singing pro Iraq chants?

We can accept individuals for who they are but to support mass political crap that cost the lives of our own contrymen in the name of sporting rivalry is in my opinion bollocks of the highest order.
Tevez's first goal - I'll have a tenner on a large number of our support singing


followed by

Carlos Tevez, he's not M****h anymore, he's not M****h anymore, he's not M****h anymore.
hello said:
I have been posted to the Falklands 3 times so I have spent 18 months there in total, I lost my father in the conflict when I was 7, yet hold no grudges against the people of Argentina, young men go to war for their countries often of the basis of money motivated political decisions. The falklands was somewhat of an exception, in their size and resources meant it wouldn't be worth defending. It was the peoples chocie to remain part of the UK anr our duty to endeavor to protect their freedom.
However if we held grudges against every nation we have been to war with then we would hate americans\germans\spanish etc etc.
War serves a political purpose that is completely separate to the respect of those on the frontline risking their lives.
The chant AR-GENT-INA was used in the propaganna prior to the invasion and that together with the cheese eating surrender monkey supplying the exocerts will be an lasting image will be a lasting memory for many who lost realtives like me.
I wouldn't go as far as saying I find it offensive, but its certainly disrespectful and on a par with the morons making hitler gestures at the 06 world cup.

To anyone who feels like chanting this, can I ask that they consider the following sceenario, imagine if the guy Sven wanted from Iraq about Jan 08 (Sorry can't remember his name) got a work permit and turned out to be great, would you as a City fan feel comfortable singing pro Iraq chants?

We can accept individuals for who they are but to support mass political crap that cost the lives of our own contrymen in the name of sporting rivalry is in my opinion bollocks of the highest order.


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