Are The Beatles and Queen overrated?

I came back to England on a ferry from Denmark once in the late 80's.
Scores of Danish pensioners (female) travelling over for a Cliff convention or something. They infiltrated the disco and danced away to the Clif songs the DJ put on for them.
Later I asked the DJ to put Cliff and the Young Ones on......
He did - to the delight of the Cliffettes until after Cliff sang the first verse and Rik, Vivien, Neil and Mike kicked in...... they sat down in disgust as we pissed ourselves laughing
I was on the Waterloo to Portsmouth Train late one night and Cliff had been on somewhere in London and the whole Train was suddenly invaded and subsequently packed out with female pensioner Cliff Fans on the way back to Surrey/Hampshire et
The late Queen can never be overrated.
She was as close to a goddess you will ever get. And and I am not forgetting about our dear Princess Diana.
Anyway I'm off to listen to Our Favourite Shop album, A wonderful moving album that encompasses various musical styles and more than 3 chords xx
Genuine question this: have you ever listened to much Beatles music? The variety of styles is something that defined them, they were able to move from pop songs like She Loves You to ballads like Yesterday and Here, There and Everywhere to proto-hard-rock like Helter Skelter to psychedelic classics like Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Lucy In The Sky, A Day In Thel Life and Tomorrow Never Knows through to Victorian kitsch on For The Benefit. Songs like She's Leaving Home and Eleanor Rugby sound nothing like anything anyone was doing. I pretty much could go on but they were able to do pretty much any style better than their peers as the link I posted showed. I forgot about songs like Within which is the first time Western artists had written an Indian piece of music.

As for just having 4 chords, you're plain wrong on that. They broke boundaries by basically taking influences from classical music, the tape looping of Avant Garde classical music, Indian music, folk music etc. They were superb musicians and have a listen to what composer Howard Goodall says about them - basically it's very complex music and they knew more about melody than a lot of classical composers. You simply cannot do this if all you know is 3 chords.

I totally understand how people might not like certain musicians - I don't like Bob Dylan particularly - but I am able to recognise his genius. I do think if you listened to Revolver, Abbey Road, Sgt Pepper and The White Album you should be able to recognise more than 3 chords and a complexity, as well as melody, that few have ever matched.

I do think that somehow it's become cool to dislike them and that's fine. However you simply cannot say they are overrated, wrote simple songs and knew little about music. It's like saying my mate Dave draws an apple better than Picasso so he is shite.
Is this thread still alive?Unbelievable stuff.
Nonsense, I love threads like this, quite happy to carry things on.

I happily acknowledge the sheer influence The Beatles had on music that came afterwards and some of their stuff is genuinely brilliant but I find the deification of Lennon really annoying - his solo work is incredibly ordinary for me and he came across as a lazy, narcissistic person at times - that "staying in bed to change the world" shite sums him up for me.

Queen produced some well written and performed songs for sure and I'm sure I'd have enjoyed them live but some of their stuff is downright dodgy. Remember "Body Language"? what a pile of shit. And "One Vision" is basically a fascist marching anthem, as hilariously highlighted by Laibach, Jawohl!

Nonsense, I love threads like this, quite happy to carry things on.

I happily acknowledge the sheer influence The Beatles had on music that came afterwards and some of their stuff is genuinely brilliant but I find the deification of Lennon really annoying - his solo work is incredibly ordinary for me and he came across as a lazy, narcissistic person at times - that "staying in bed to change the world" shite sums him up for me.

Queen produced some well written and performed songs for sure and I'm sure I'd have enjoyed them live but some of their stuff is downright dodgy. Remember "Body Language"? what a pile of shit. And "One Vision" is basically a fascist marching anthem, as hilariously highlighted by Laibach, Jawohl!

Agree with a lot of that, esp your views on Lennon solo and some of what I’ve read about him as a person.
I just find it utterly bizarre to lump Queen in with them! I can see the point of threads on both, but together?
Anyway, makes sense for me to swerve the thread now really doesn’t it? ;-)
Beatles = No
Queen = Yes
All personal taste but the Queen of 1971-75 were on the right track but it got seriously shit after that

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