Are we done booing the CL Anthem?

Some people on here have such short memories. UEFA tried to to shut us down twice, keep us out of their cosy cartel of the traditional European royalty. We saw a decade of dodgy decisions go against us on the pitch.

They stopped us travelling to support our team away (didn't offer any compensation) and did fuck all when that team allowed their fans in.

They imposed FFP bans on us, reduced the squad size and placed a transfer cap to cripple our chances to keep us out of the cartel. Yet Barca, ManUre, Real etc were all allowed to fiddle their books.

The Paris final with the dippers was almost culpable homicide, lessons were supposed to be learned, obviously that was bullshit.

How no one died at Istanbul with the disgraceful way we were treated like cattle, denied water for hours, shameful lack of organisation to get to and away after the game, yet the UEFA wankers were police escorted in their exec Mercedes Sprinters in/out on a dedicated road.

Every year the number of real fans gets smaller for their showpiece event, we are there for atmosphere, stuck at the ends of the stadium while sponsors and hangers-on get the half-decent seats.

Look what they did to West Ham this year, holding their final in a pitifully sized stadium, they fooked over Chelsea and Arsenal a few years ago asking fans to fly to Azerbaijan, that had a 51k capacity, but the airport could only cope with 10,000 fans.

Aleksander Čeferin is an egostical ****, who cares little about what makes football, that's us, the fans who stump up to watch our team.

If they could find a way to banish us again, UEFA would do it in a heartbeat. Always remember that.

We've booed for years, we've won the CL, it didn't stop us then, it won't stop us now. I'll carry on booing the fuck out of that glorified jingle until UEFA come back and ban us permanently.

I'll admit it, this is a hell of a post, and it's got me convinced. I personally wouldn't boo the anthem (although I dislike it intensely, just as a piece of pompous music) but I've got to allow that people who want to boo it are totally within their rights. Everything is not all lovey-dovey with UEFA just because we won that trophy. I wasn't in Istanbul, but it sounds as if it was a total shit show as far as treatment of fans is concerned. And you know what? It is the supporters who are permanent in football. Nothing else is. Not the suits who run UEFA and FIFA. Not even the managers, owners, or players.
I prefer the idea of Poznaning when that stupid music is played. But that's just me. It's a perfectly City way of taking the piss and expressing dissent.
Cheering CITY, CITY, CITY! as we did at the latter part of the CL anthem last night was far more effective and meaningful than booing.

Booing is just ridiculous now, because we actively participate in the competition and celebrate with the trophy from the organisation we boo. To the neutrals watching around the world we must seem ridiculous and hypocritical, it wins us no fans and only makes those booing happy.

Surely those that show dissent by booing should want us to hand back the trophy and disassociate ourselves from the tournament? as that it the ultimate show of dissent...

The best way to fight against what uefa have done over the years is to win it every year and drown out their music with our clubs name so the world knows who we are and what we've done. Booing just seems childish now.
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I don't mind the booing, it gets the atmosphere going. We've always been a sort of underdog when it comes to these competitions as some of the teams and people like UEFA still look down on us a bit and try to stop us. It's nice to stick it to them whenever we can.

I still think those PL charges and all the crap in the media was a big motivation that pushed us to the treble.
Cheering CITY, CITY, CITY! as we did at the latter part of the CL anthem last night was far more effective and meaningful than booing.

Booing is just ridiculous now, because we actively participate in the competition and celebrate with the trophy from the organisation we boo. To the neutrals watching around the world we must seem ridiculous and hypocritical, it wins us no fans and only makes those booing happy.

Surely those that show dissent by booing should want us to hand back the trophy and disassociate ourselves from the tournament? as that it the ultimate show of dissent...

The best way to fight against what uefa have done over the years is to win it every year and drown out their music with our clubs name so the world knows who we are and what we've done. Booing just seems childish now.
We can't dissociate ourselves from UEFA unless the FA does, and the FA runs football so we give up football to disassociate ourselves from the FA. We will hand back the trophy, that was always the plan.
After witnessing the distress caused to some of our most vulnerable supporters in that pitch black, rubble strewn nightmare in Istanbul, they deserve more than a gentlemanly booing. A chant of "Bastards, Bastards, Bastards" with a "Ceferin is a Psycho" banner would be my choice.
Yep agree you can see it on their faces
In Hollywood (and other) films, they tell actors to keep their face perfectly emotionless in gripping emotional moments in films because, by keeping a straight face, the audience will attach the mood they want to the actor’s face in their own minds.

I think that’s what happens here.

In reality, along that line of players while the jingle is being played and boo’d, one could be thinking about what Pep’s just told him in the changing rooms, another is thinking about the opposition, another is going back to Istanbul in his head, another is thinking ahead to Wembley, another is thinking about having too many beans for his tea and he’s trumping a lot, another is thinking about whether it’ll rain again, another is thinking about the booing.

By the time the game kicks off, nobody in the stadium remotely thinks about the jingle again until the next time the jingle is played before another game.
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