Are we done booing the CL Anthem?

Never been a fan of uefa for many years you could see the corruption and take over plans, then things got worse with treatment of city fans in Kyiv. Other clubs around europe showed their disapproval at the same time.

Every year there was something new to have a poke at city, FFP not fit for purpose, all of what is mentioned in above posts on this page.

It is clear now that uefas own little leagues / super leagues are starting, this conference shite a fine example of what we dont want. Its only a matter of time before every club in the premier league will enter into some sort of uefa competition. UCL games will be played at weekend shoving prem games out the way. Games will start to be played worldwide, the super world cup will grow and grow with dynamic marketing telling us all it is the best and the sheep just follow. All this and more.

But clubs will follow uefa as they aim to get bigger and more profitable for their owners who see a massive opportunity.

Dont get me wrong i enjoy watching games Vs various European teams, seeing their fans. But i dont want football dictation and take over. Hopefully the bubble will burst.

Boooooo and this is why because it will get worse before it gets better.
The inability to let anything go needs to be added.

Remember in 1855 when the referee booked too many of our players?

That's why I boo.
Alan, the only 1855 I remember was 18.55hrs somewhere on some absolutely gridlocked shithole road outside Istanbul. I had listened to the club like a goody two shoes, I had even listened to Ufuckinefa like a good little boy and boarded a bus probably built the year 1855. I had boarded it an hour earlier like I had been asked to. So now, when the club ask me not to do something, I tend to think, fuck it, I'm an adult, I'll make my own mind up about a shower of shit organisation.
Bearing in mind City still haven't said one word about the fuck up in our defence they cannot comment when I boo a jingle.
Alan, the only 1855 I remember was 18.55hrs somewhere on some absolutely gridlocked shithole road outside Istanbul. I had listened to the club like a goody two shoes, I had even listened to Ufuckinefa like a good little boy and boarded a bus probably built the year 1855. I had boarded it an hour earlier like I had been asked to. So now, when the club ask me not to do something, I tend to think, fuck it, I'm an adult, I'll make my own mind up about a shower of shit organisation.
Bearing in mind City still haven't said one word about the fuck up in our defence they cannot comment when I boo a jingle.
Apologies if you thought I was trying to stop you booing.

I don’t, but if others want to, they can crack on.

UEFA don’t give a shit about any team’s fans.
Apologies if you thought I was trying to stop you booing.

I don’t, but if others want to, they can crack on.

UEFA don’t give a shit about any team’s fans.
I didn't think you were, it was just a good opportunity to use your 1855 reference.
For once in my life I actually decided to do as I was asked. I knew the metro was better but they'd asked, uefa and the club, so I complied. I doubt I ever will again. If we get to Wembley this year and they tell me the 2.30pm train from Piccadilly is best, fuck it, I'm on the Megabus from Sheffield
I didn't think you were, it was just a good opportunity to use your 1855 reference.
For once in my life I actually decided to do as I was asked. I knew the metro was better but they'd asked, uefa and the club, so I complied. I doubt I ever will again. If we get to Wembley this year and they tell me the 2.30pm train from Piccadilly is best, fuck it, I'm on the Megabus from Sheffield
Wise move. The M1 is open all night.
The actuality is that we ARE the club. We were here when we were shit, we'll be here when we drop from our current giddy heights.

The question I have to ask you. With all that is recorded about how much UEFA have tried to kill us, why WOULDN'T you boo?
We aren't the club, that's the fundamental confusion many have. We are fans of the club, and for many I wouldn't even call fans, more like needy spectators. Our job is to support the team and in return for our support and money they hopefully win things. The club have said its better when we don't boo, so we're letting the team down on our side of the deal.
We aren't the club, that's the fundamental confusion many have. We are fans of the club, and for many I wouldn't even call fans, more like needy spectators. Our job is to support the team and in return for our support and money they hopefully win things. The club have said its better when we don't boo, so we're letting the team down on our side of the deal.
We are the club. It belongs to us and our city.

Everyone who is working at City now, from the players to the management team to the boardroom to the owners, are all just temporary employees or temporary shareholders of our football club. They were all somewhere else in the past and they’ll all be somewhere else in the future. But the fans have always been here and we always will be here.

It would have been better if the boardroom had stood up for the fans against UEFA’s treatment of us in Istanbul but the’ve let us down over that because they haven’t said a dicky bird about it. And that is something serious, unlike what happens during a 30 second ditty of a jingle.

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