Are we really a democracy?

Democracy is overrated. I’d only want a proper democracy if the general public were reliably clued up. In fact, democracy can only work if that’s the case, and it’s nowhere bloody near the case.

I wouldn’t trust the general public the way it is with fucking anything, at all! Look at the Brexit vote, what percentage of the voters were reliably clued up? I’d bet it was a tiny minority. Don’t get me wrong, there were undoubtedly reliably informed and clued up people who voted Leave and Remain, but the majority voted off the back of gut feeling or falling for a pack of lies.

Nowhere near enough people are reliably clued up about any matter to ever be trusted with proper democracy.

If it were up to me I’d be taking votes away from people, never mind wanting a more democratic country. I think the general public should have to pass an exam in politics and current affairs to be able to be awarded a vote. If you don’t pass the exam, you don’t get a vote because you shouldn’t be voting if you don’t understand politics or current affairs.
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Whether by design or accident our democracy' keeps the masses in line by giving the illusion of representation whilst the toffs run the country for their own benefit.

The monarchy, the house of lords, the honours system and by extension the old school tie network all need to go.

Not going to happen, the masses in this country are too conditioned to bowing down to those who they believe to be their betters.
Whether by design or accident our democracy' keeps the masses in line by giving the illusion of representation whilst the toffs run the country for their own benefit.

The monarchy, the house of lords, the honours system and by extension the old school tie network all need to go.

Not going to happen, the masses in this country are too conditioned to bowing down to those who they believe to be their betters.
Because we are a nation of cap doffers. I have never understood that.
Whether by design or accident our democracy' keeps the masses in line by giving the illusion of representation whilst the toffs run the country for their own benefit.

The monarchy, the house of lords, the honours system and by extension the old school tie network all need to go.

Not going to happen, the masses in this country are too conditioned to bowing down to those who they believe to be their betters.
Not at all. We don’t bow down and don’t think they’re our betters.

Most people seek out work we want to do and leave the running of the country to the people who wanted to seek that out as their career path, all while - on the whole - just happily getting on with our lives since most peoples’ day-to-day lives are completely unaffected by politics, which is where our kind of democracy works, and works well!

People have got more ambition and more interesting interests and skillsets than working in govt provides. Politicians are fairly low skilled and generic civil servants. That’s all I look at them as, I don’t care what school they went to or if their family owns acres of land somewhere. Very few politicians are experts in their field and their field can change at the drop of a hat; one minute you can be the Minister for Health, the next you’re the Home Secretary. MPs are are just a load of Jack-of-all-Trades, Masters-of-None! Why would anyone think that makes them our betters?

If you were serious about Health, you’d get a specific job in the Health sector. You wouldn’t seek out politics on the off and very slim chance you ever got to work in Health. Leave the Minister for Health job for some yes-man somewhere else.

The good thing about Britain is that we’re democratic enough and the govt have just little enough influence over its citizens, that we could all live an entire life never voting even once in our lives, never even thinking about politics, never being affected by politics, and live a happy life, doing a job we enjoy, bringing a happy family into the world. You can be poor and do this, like so many happy families are, don’t have to have money. And leave all the govt shit to people who want to do it, never really thinking about them never mind bowing down the them or thinking they are our betters.

I think people who are interested in politics get too wrapped up in it all. I’d emplore anyone who is very wrapped up in politics and political outlooks, to take a two year hiatus from all things political and just life their life in the real world for those two years… they’d see that politics is NOWHERE FUCKING NEAR as important as they think it is, and politicians, political parties and political outlooks, and so-called issues that society faces are nowhere near as important and influential, as big or as bad, as those wrapped up in politics think they are.

And that’s where our democracy is a successful democaracy.
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FPTP is a blight and a hinderance on this country. I believe it is a source of most that is wrong with politics and the effective and fair running of the UK.

It’s a democratic system of sorts, but it’s unrepresentative and unfair that render it to be a wholly flawed, and supremely wank, democratic system.

Given the current state of our politics, and the standard of politicians these days, I fail to see how anyone can defend it anymore.
We have a system where one party is elected by a single country within the U.K.
that governing party then has the right to stop ‘the will of the people’ of any other country seeking independence
we have a system where media is effectively a propaganda mouthpiece for that party
we have a system where governing politicians can do exactly what they like without being held accountable
we have a system where governing politicians can tell whatever lies they like without challenge
we have a system where the few are enriched and the majority pay for it.
If this is democracy you can shove it.
Rasc asked an interesting question and the first thing I thought about was what a poster on the board wrote, not long ago, essentially saying you have to trust the government you voted in and leave them to do their jobs.

It's this kind of release of responsibility that allows the illusion of 'democracy' to fester. This is rinse and repeat, especially in this country that is considered one the older democracies in the world.

Once people vote a party in, they dust their hands off and get on with their day, leaving the smart talking politician to make the decisions. It's funny, but the late great Bill Hicks described it as 'nothing to see here' and you can insert any country and any activity into the space to make it relevant for where you are.

Bill Hicks:

Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!​

They want to answer no questions in a straight fashion and just for you to be a "docile apathetic consumer" of democracy.

This is how the likes of Johnson and Biden and whomever get away with twisting the promises spouted to get into power and once in power, know we are helpless as we have given them the mandate to make whatever decisions they deem fit.

Not me, I question why should I trust this process that people are apathetic to?

Bill Hicks:
This is where we are at right now, as a whole. No one is left out of the loop. We are experiencing a reality based on a thin veneer of lies and illusions. A world where greed is our God and wisdom is sin, where division is key and unity is fantasy, where the ego-driven cleverness of the mind is praised, rather than the intelligence of the heart.

The original post actually questions two separate though interconnected points: democracy and the electoral process. ‘Democracy’ has always been difficult to define, even in Ancient Greece, and it has meant different things to different peoples throughout history. As for the electoral system, FPTP creates clear winners and losers, but it also keeps the extremes far from the levers of power. However, whether that is a healthy consequence in a society that is so increasingly fragmented is moot.

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