Are we the only tired ones?

Pigeonho said:
This is what was said on Sunday Supplement yesterday. They were saying it instantly gives the players the excuse they need not to perform. Then they pointed out that our Scottish friend over the road has never once used that excuse, instead he blames refs and other elements, but never tiredness. What is it they've won again?
Tired my fucking arse.

What a massive, humongous load of shit.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... MHD=soccer</a>
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... y-is-tired</a>
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 526221.stm</a>

They were just on the first page, I could probably find 10 others.

Also, to the person saying that they played rugby and loved it. Whilst this may be true, it's akin to me saying that because I go running every day, marathon runners should be able to do it too. There's a major difference between playing with your mates, and been a highly tuned, professional athlete.
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
This tiredness bollocks is starting to get very tiresome. Why does Mancini keep going on about tiredness when no other manager does? What are our players doing that no other team is doing? Jesus, it's a couple of games a week!

Can you imagine if any of our players were soldiers? "Not fighting today, too tired. Fought a couple of days ago"
A couple of games a week, every week since January

Have a look at Chelsea's recent schedule, then look at the form table.

All the top teams have suffered except Chelsea, and coincidentally they have hardly played recently apart from an easy Champions League fixture.

You should really take this on board. At the City v Kiev return leg, I was thinking with 10 mins to go, maybe it's best we don't get an equaliser otherwise we'll be going to extra time, and we have a game on Sunday.

Why were Utd so poor at home to Bolton? Answer they played at home to Marseille in the week.

It's not just 2 games a week, it's the accumulation of games which generates injury niggles, and tiredness. Arsenal and Utd have huge squads which enable them to deal with this problem better, and I dare say their fans are familiar with this problem of dips in form and results after European games. Every manger talks about it. Just because it gets raised an an excise, doesn't mean you should dismiss it

Football is a physical sport and you can't perform at your best without adequate recovery and training. Doesn't matter how much you are paid, or how scientific the training is. the body is still frail
I know this thread is about physical tiredness but I really do wonder if a lot of the team are mentally tired. I feel for some of the players they are getting ripped to shreds in the media, some fans etc they must know this, ( I pray Dzeko didn't open a paper this morning) they must want to be the best they can be on the pitch but Mancini isn't giving them the tools to improve so they are stuck in a rut. Some of our players have gone from hero to zero since arriving here. Take Milner, he was riding high now he is being asked to play out of position for most of his starts, then when he doesn't perform well there he is slated. Hardly confidence boosting. Dzeko another one, wants to excel but isn't being given what he needs, service. So he is made to look average. Confidence down again. Tevez looks world weary, Silva's form is slipping slightly. There are others like Boateng, Yaya. I just think at the moment we need to play players in there correct positions as they will at least be confident there. They look lost sometimes on the pitch. I know Bellamy was mentioned earlier and I agree with those who say he had plenty of faults but one thing I do think we miss is his drive, I miss seeing him effing and blinding, veins in his head popping screaming at the team to get it together.

Looking at bluemoon the last two days, I know we aren't always the cheeriest bunch ;) but their are a lot of down fans on here and surely the players could be feeling the same feeling of misgiving and know they are at a loss to change it. We are starting to remind me of the dippers with Hodgson.
No it's bullshit. EVERY single player in every team. We spent a lot of money on buying a lot of players.
Mancini refused to really use to the squad as much as he could have. He made the odd change, but not as much as he could and should have done.

All players might be feeling it a small bit, but when you do see the likes of United tiring, they still manage to win, put in a hard shift and win however they can, and more than that, Fergie will play his squad, they're not just there to make up the numbers. As will Wenger, he will play the young boys in the Cup and trust them.

It looks great, such a strong squad on paper, but that's all it is on paper, he doesn't seem to trust them, and they're all miserable. Fergie seems to do enough to make his squad players happy instead of miserable.

You hear about them moaning and the manager and all these problems yet you never hear anything about United or Arsenal. Why? Because at those clubs, it's about the team, not the players. You spit your dummy out at the manager the likelyhood is that you'll be packing your bags, or you'll spend your time warming a bench.

What's the problem, we've players with no backbone, no heart, they're nearly all spoilt brats who've never had to fight for anything. Who's our general, who's our Roy Keane, Gerrard, Vieira of old?

And to be honest, they're not as good as we think. There are better players out there, but we only pick the obvious players and refuse to recognise that there's problems. But even the suggestion that our players aren't good enough, is followed by abuse.
Tired are they tired? Tired, they'd want to add a full time job to their list, and fit training around it, then I'll accept tired.

They just lack bottle. Simple as.
Rushton121 said:
I do think the tiredness thing is a bit of an excuse.
But surely we can all see that some players are nackered though?

Yaya Toure looked like he was gonna collapse against Chelsea, even Tevez has looked tired recently

Why did Mancini play him then?

After playing with 10 men on Thursday we probably were a bit tired and perhaps there would have been some sympathy on here if he was mentioning it for the first time. After ten weeks of none stop moaning about it despite some of it being self inflicted with shit results at Leicester and county, people understandably get pissed off
its all bollcks, we've a squad of champions league winners, world cup winners, premier league winners....etc. mancini is talking himself out of a job. simple answer is if you dont want fixture pile ups or 3 games a week dont have a good cup run or be successful
how did players manage in the fifties and early sixties, just had a look at 1960 on the stats site and we had games on december 21st, 25th, 26th and 28th
and at easter we had games on the 15th,16th and 18th of april

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