Are your kids good at sport?


Well-Known Member
12 Sep 2009
Interested to hear if any of your kids good at sport? What they do and what they’ve achieved!?

My daughter (8) plays football and really enjoys athletics, I’m of the opinion that sport is really important for the physical and mental wellbeing of children and adults for that matter.

What dissapoints me is how expensive sport is for youngsters, when I was younger I believe all sports we did were free or there was a minimum fee to cover costs when it came to football, Athletics club etc.
Kids football, gymnastics, karate etc. all seems to be £10 a session, a problem with our economically driven society, so many kids with potential are lost
Football was played on any grass, tarmac pitch or road when we were young but now everything has to be at a cost apart from the kids school football. We must lose so many talented kids to the expense of sports. It’s such a shame that there are now so few places where kids can play football without being expected to pay. Anyway sorry think this post turned into a rant but appreciate your comments and insight.
No kids myself but I help coach and run an u11s cricket team at our club. The kids love it and its so important for development I think, sport and activities are important for making them active, more engaged and polite in general. Love how they want to learn and be involved in helping eachother. It is hard going for the parents though, lot of travelling and ferrying about around work. And as OP says, it aint cheap with kit and subs and stuff.
My boys pretty much take after me. Quite useful at most sports, without really excelling at any. Although modestly aside, it has to be said that I was a better footballer than any of them.

My own girls have never really had any interest in sports.

But one thing I’ve always thought a great shame was that I never managed to convince my niece to have a serious go at sprinting.

She spent more time living at our house than her own as a child. So I suppose I was more a father figure than an uncle. I was getting something out of her school bag one day and found a bunch of certificates screwed up in the bottom of it. They were from the school sports day and she had won every sprint race. 100, 200 and 400. They all had times on them and I could barely believe them. I looked it up and they weren’t far off the junior UK records. And this was after just rocking up having never had a training session in her life.

I begged her to let me enrol her at the local athletics club but she wasn’t interested. Just wanted to hang around the estate, pissing about every night.

She’s pregnant again at the moment, with number five or six. Lost count. But I still wonder how good she could have been and what a wasted talent it was.

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