Are your kids good at sport?

My oldest son has no interest in sport whatsoever, he goes the gym but isnt interested in football at all. Part of me puts it down to me taking him to City when Pearce was in charge and him not seeing a goal scored in his first 6 games but really he would never have been into it. Hes arty, into music and thats fine by me.

My younger 2 are city and football mad. Both lucky enough to have been brought up throughout our glory years.

My son plays u9 footy and daughter u12.
Neither are naturally talented players at all but both put in 100% every single game , something ive drummed in from when they started, and that very much lifts their performances. Putting that total effort in ensures they get the most out of it and enjoy it more

But i cant say either are naturally good.
My daughter plays football. She's 9. She's not great outfield but she loves being in goal and is actually pretty good for their level and age. But at times she lacks concentration.

I have coached the team from the start of the season, something I've always wanted to do and i've loved it. We have so many players we have two teams next season.

She also does horse riding which is sort of a sport. She's good at that.
When my son realised that a ball being round when kicked against a wall came back he had to have a shirt. At the time City shirts were ten a penny, indeed, some shops'd give yer a halfpenny change. He settled on the royal version of sky blue - EFC. He was pretty good at an amateur level. I remember watching him play for his primary school and heard his teacher say 'What a goal'! Like the Elano goal v NUFC, and the Kovacic goal scored whilst I was looking at the VAR screen, I missed it! He has played at Charlton's ground for a Total eleven. He was probably better at cricket. And now he plays neither! But despite his denials and their recent parlous seasons he is still a dyed-in-the-wool Toffee.

Daughter was into music and dancing, although she did get dragooned into watching City at Maine Road occasionally with her secondary school mates.
My lad has always done several sports since he was 5 or 6. He’s 11 now and still does karate (1st Kyu), swimming to a regional level; regularly competes in the Cheshire’s. Football, he still plays for a local team to an ‘ok’ level. He also does SUP, and snorkelling. Golf and tennis during the summer too and he is a really decent long distance runner although we don’t have time for him to join a running club…
My daughter has done various things growing up we’ve never pushed her, dancing, gymnastics, horse riding and cheerleading, like you say non of it is cheap anymore. Eventually she settled on cheerleading and goes three times a week, whether she is good or not I’ve no idea all I know is she loves it and has made some great friends, in the grand scheme of things I suppose it’s not that expensive but we get child benefit and use it for things like that.
My son used to be a decent triathlete and competed at a high level in his age category. My 2 girls have never shown much of an interest in sports. All 3 enjoy going to the gym though and doing a bit of Muay Thai.
Always thought my son who's 13 would take up football as that's what i loved, but hes never taken to it really. Loves swimming and running and competes all over the country now doing both. Trafford athletics tomorrow night for a 1500 race, swimming comp at the weekend and at the end of the month were off to Madeira for the European junior pentahlon championships where hes competing for GB at something called Biathle (Run/Swim combined).

He loves it, but its bloody hard work driving him everywhere and gets expensive. Even harder in the footy season when im trying to get to home games as well.
My lads a decent golfer got down to +2 before his separation and divorce. Looking after his child 50/50 working away more than he would like and current girl friend ment he hasn’t played for 3 years but just started practising age.

Is nearly 45 still counted as a kid. B-)
I drop mine off at the pool every morning and they’re shit at swimming
I remember "swimming lessons" when I was at school, Wednesday & Friday I think, I convinced mum we had to pay to go so she gave me some money which after we had splashed about a bit for ten minutes in the pool went straight in the vending machine to get the biggest Waggon Wheels you ever saw, I think I got a sew on Badge for something like "Not Drowning" from the school & took it home so mum was happy!
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My daughter could excel at individual sports but she's got a very strong resistance to taking advice and is also a quitter! She's an excellent runner who doesn't move for most of the year yet wins her sports day running events. I'd like to get her into it more, but I don't want her to shout at me!

My son is 5 and is very competitive and works very hard. Always kicking a ball, always trying to get better and is definitely going to be a decent player. Scored 9 in a 9-0 win in a short 10 min kickabout after training at the weekend. Got energy to get up and down the pitch no problem. It's just confidence with him, hopefully he gets more as time goes by. Sometimes he's chucked in with the older age groups and gets a bit overawed by their size, which is understandable. I try to tell him they're not as big as me and he doesn't mind kicking lumps out of me so get stuck in!

My youngest is 2 and has an excellent throw on him. Food, rocks, plates, my mobile. They all get the same left arm swing. Hoping for a cricketing future there. That's the sport I'd target. Winters in the caribbean/oz/india and summer's here. I wouldn't miss a game.

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