Are your kids good at sport?

My daughter is 10 she's plays football morning, noon and night. She joined a team 4 years ago, Her first few months she struggled which was expected as she never played a proper game of football, As time went on she grew into the team and today she's absolutely brilliant, She's normally a midfielder but the manager played her at centre back two years ago because a girl was missing that game and ever since she's playing at centre back, She's an absolute beast sticks her head to anything and loves the physical side of it. Throughout her time playing football with the club its always been a mix with girls and boys so the physicality of playing against boys will stand her in good sted, From next season she will be playing in an all girls teams as its from u12s onwards.

My little fella does boxing because he really enjoys it, Being around his mates outside school and having fun, That's what it's all about really.
Physical exercise is so important and the camaraderie of sport is great for their social development. My son (42) tried every sport as a youngster. Like me he was competent at most without being brilliant at any. He still plays 5 a side twice a week.
My daughter (38) is a long distance trekker and walker. She has been all over the world trekking. She converted her partner, a non walker, and now he loves it.
The OP is right about cost. The gov is always bemoaning obesity and the lack of physical activity is largely to blame: the country actually eats less carbs than at any time post war. So, gov, do something to encourage sport in schools etc. A secondary school near me has decent playing fields, grass and all weather and in the summer, there are kids playing up to 9 o’clock. Local junior leagues use the facilities extensively. Too many schools have no facilities. Ok, costly to remedy but so effective.
My granddaughter was/is a very talented footballer (she takes after me and my daughter :-))
She only enjoys the sport when she has a coach that encourages rather than shouts. Unfortunately they are thin on the ground and hence she has played for numerous teams including Hibs. Sadly she gave up a year ago. Hope she goes back to it as it's sad to see unfulfilled potential. My daughter was captain of her primary school team and played for the school team in Senior School up to third year. This was back in the 80s when it was much less common for girls to play organised football. My youngest son played Rugby for Edinburgh district a few times but sadly a combination of injuries buggered any chance of him going further. Crash ball centre = season ticket to Hospital.
My eldest 15 is 'decent' at Badminton, only 1/2 at school can beat him, but doesn't go to a club, we play when he's with me, no interest in football at all.
Youngest 12 is more like me, good at all sports but doesn't excel, but best at badminton/table tennis in his school year, never played football for a team, but better than half that do. Anything he tries, he's at least competent at, and age for age better than his brother. If he only played one sport he probably would excel. He is a blue, and has his signed Haaland shirt framed on his wall.
Most importantly to me, they both put phones down for any activity.
My lad good at boxing he trains out of Paulino’s gym Cheetham hill he’s been training with the pro’s all week 9 til 12 looking to go pro when he turns 18.
My lads a decent golfer got down to +2 before his separation and divorce. Looking after his child 50/50 working away more than he would like and current girl friend ment he hasn’t played for 3 years but just started practising age.

Is nearly 45 still counted as a kid. B-)
As my mum said before she died.
“no matter how old you are, i will always be your mum and youll always be my little boy”
Always thought my son who's 13 would take up football as that's what i loved, but hes never taken to it really. Loves swimming and running and competes all over the country now doing both. Trafford athletics tomorrow night for a 1500 race, swimming comp at the weekend and at the end of the month were off to Madeira for the European junior pentahlon championships where hes competing for GB at something called Biathle (Run/Swim combined).

He loves it, but its bloody hard work driving him everywhere and gets expensive. Even harder in the footy season when im trying to get to home games as well.
Little update on his European champs in Madeira. Won bronze in his under 15 individual race and team gold for GB in his race as well. Fantastic event and a great experience for him. World champs qualifiers in weymouth next weekend.
My Grandson recently played for Wales Schools v Yorkshire in Rugby.
One Nephew played for Wales v England at Under 18s rugby.
My brother was in a final trial for Wales schools where he dislocated his shoulder and hence didn’t get selected.
Twin Nephews were on schoolboy contracts with a Championship club.
Not too bad.

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