Arena Bomb - conspiracy theory court case

what you saying here PB...THEY WERE ALL IN ON IT?
Well when my daughter was doing her paramedic training in London, she took part in a major training exercise, ironically involving mass casualties after a terrorist attack.

They tried to make it as realistic as possible so they made up the victims to look like they'd lost limbs or had gunshot/shrapnel injuries. I think she'd lost an arm and she said it was an interesting experience going home on the tube bandaged up and covered in fake blood and wounds.
I'd suggest he has a word with a gentleman called Paddy Ennis, who is a colleague & friend of my daughter and son-in-law, and who was the first paramedic on scene that night.

He can tell him about wading through a morass of body parts, blood and other bodily fluids to identify and having to tag those who were dead, alive but beyond saving, in most urgent need of treatment and those classed as walking wounded.

Or my daughter, who wasn't on shift that night but got out of bed to provide backup for her colleagues at the scene. That involved looking after the most urgent non-Arena Category 1 calls and having to take people out of hospital to make beds available.
If he came within a mile of my mate who's son died he would no longer be spouting shit, ever.
Fruit loop who needs to be committed to an hospital for their own good.
To believe what they are saying shows someone without all their faculties and should be treated as such.
Probably you, going off the Joey Barton thread ;)

Personally, I think the bloke wants knocking out for holding views that are clearly offensive to the victims and their families. A bit like that lunatic Alex Jones over in the States for coming out with similar shite regarding the Sandy Hook shooting

All of my views aren't the same mate, and I can leave the views I have on a thread where they belong. However the view that the bombing and murders didn't happen is obscene.
Richard D Hall. A complete and utter piece of shit who has no real need to be alive, breathing the same air as us. Air he probably believes is fake.

I know people like this who scrutinise every single event that goes on and unless they were actually there, will find ways around proving it’s all one big lie. They believe cunts like Alex Jones, who quite unbelievably said Sandy Hook was staged.

They will be the ones who think Covid was faked. Nobody died etc, and it’s all fed by cunts like this.

Feel for the family who is suing him having to relive all that again.

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