Arena Bomb - conspiracy theory court case

Not that I ever go in for conspiracies - but actually being semi-present for the Arena bomb and seeing the conspiracies come out afterwards really put things like 9/11 conspiracies and Sandy Hook deniers into perspective for me.

Not that I believed in those conspiracies anyway, but I didn't see 9/11 or Sandy Hook with my own eyes so I can only trust the news, the available footage, and my own judgement - but because I wasn't there, my judgement might be wrong. But nobody who actually witnesses these tragic events would dare to raise doubts about what they saw, because being outside that Arena - even in a taxi - was fucking terrifying.

If this nutter thinks the 22 victims and those injured in the Arena are actors, he should tell that to the screaming children I had to walk past, the parents clutching two phones in both hands after being separated from their kids, friends hugging each other and crying. Were they all actors too? The A&E staff in hospitals all round Manchester?

This is what pisses me off more than anything about habitual conspiracists. They don't "uncover" these "truths" for the benefit of everyone else, they just do it to feel smart and smug in their little bedrooms. We're all sheep, but they know what's really going on, man. They don't pity us for not knowing the Matrix is real, they just laugh at us instead. I'm glad those people have taken this fucker to court - I hope he gets taken to the cleaners and then out back. Waste of skin.
My sister in law believes the Ukraine war is just an act. Thick and fuck all to do all day except read the same shite being fed to them in Twitter.
Lad I know was working on the station and ran up to see what had happened, as soon as he heard the blast.

Doesn’t even bear thinking about the sight that must have greeted him. Stayed there for hours while the emergency services were held back, doing whatever he could to help.

Has never and will never be the same bloke again. Walks around now with a permanent look of a man haunted by what he witnessed that night. Completely different person to the happy go lucky guy he was.

I’d like to be magnanimous and say this guy is clearly not right in the head. But it’s difficult to not feel anger at him for what he’s put the families through.
They are basically from the same eco system as Charles Manson
Russell Brand too
And I'm as cynical as anyone about those in power
My neighbour believes the bible is the literal truth. So, I ask, if there was no evolution what are fossils? A big conspiracy she replies. By whom and for what purpose? Oh, God will reveal all later.
I’m not entirely reassured.

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