ARIS fans

Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

ballinio said:
so some fat bloke who never watches a single minute of the game tells them all to clap and sing like some sort of robotic zombies & they all do it on cue & everyone thinks its great ? Its engineered , its choriographed to me its like a scripted show & football is about spontanious passion. I`ll sing and shout when i want to thanks.

Proper ray of sunshine you - aren't you!! Blimey!
Manchester la la la la said:
chesterguy said:
It must just be me then because I didnt think they supported their team.

Yes they were incredibly loud and colourful and great to watch but they didnt create an atmosphere it was like watching some cheerleaders do their stuff didnt do anything for the team but its an interesting watch.

In this country we are used to the fans building up the atmosphere as play develops they just kept up a noise and it didnt in anyway reflect what was happening on the great oohs or ahhs as chances are created and missed

I suppose it takes all sorts but it was a bit too choreographed for me but City have to do something to help us compete. I have been away and sat in the gods miles from the action. We give the opposing fans our Kippax whilst our singing sections are completely split.

It showed tonight that City have to resolve this because we have to make CoMS an intimidating atmosphere and whilst we continue to allow away fans to have more influence than ours it will never happen

Also whilst having a rant was told that my lad had got the last ticket in Level 1 North stand when there were loads of empty seats what the hell is going on with the ticketing at our ground

didnt create an atmosphere???

my ears are still ringing 2 hours after it...

But a constant loud noise isnt atmosphere.
It's sad that it maybe several years before we bump into the likes of the Poz and Aris fans again, both were brilliant. I suppose when we do eventually get into the Chumps league we can expect to be stabbed by Italians and Turks instead. I know that a blanket statement but all in all you can't knock the Greeks or the Polish so far and that's thanks to the Aris and Poznan fans........Cheers lads and best of luck. (please try to get on as you both are an impressive bunch, the up for it syndrome ruins your brilliant persona).
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

Fans in the Balkans are the best. What you saw from Aris is the same with almost every team in the Balkans regardless of league level. Here are Sarajevo fans

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ata_player</a>
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

ballinio said:
so some fat bloke who never watches a single minute of the game tells them all to clap and sing like some sort of robotic zombies & they all do it on cue & everyone thinks its great ? Its engineered , its choriographed to me its like a scripted show & football is about spontanious passion. I`ll sing and shout when i want to thanks.

sour grapes... guess you'd be better off watching it on telly m8
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

Just ignore this cloud of doom called Ballinio, what a idiot. Aris fans are the best I've ever heard and witnessed. I will be following your team's results very closely from now on.
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

hello from thessaloniki one video from my team and good luck :)
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

Seeing as we are all in the EU and their eventual aim is blanket legislation, the draconian rules imposed on ordinary, decent people watching football in England should be worth a legal challenge.
The Sky TV pub monopoly appears to have been destroyed by one working class landlady from Portsmouth who bought in Greek-owned Nova TV and appears to know more about the Treaty Of Rome than her QC, Hampshire Police, Hampshire County Council Trading Standards and so-called specialist European law solicitors and QCs from Lincoln Fields.
so surely an organization like the Football Supporters Federation could find the cash to take on a case in the courts to ask why fans in many other EU countries have far more freedom to support their team than us.
I know there are big differences in supporter culture, and City have made great strides with the likes of City square, but hooliganism in England is thankfully rare compared to Holland, Italy, Germany, Greece etc, yet our 21st Governments are determined to treat us like terror suspects.
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

aek004 said:
he is not a fat bloke...he is 6"3 and 200 pounds.
where did i say fake? The very same people who complain about us not doing something like the aris fans are the same people who dont like beingtold not to smoke or dont like being told not to drink in their seat. In general english people dont get organised & dont like being told what to do. Ok , next home game some bloke decides to get on the track & tell the fans when to sing & shout, the first words out of those fans mouths will be `who`s does he think he is` or ` he can fuck off who told him he`s in charge ?....its not our culture so why dont we just accept that.
And these fans spend all their money going to every match Aris plays....NOT JUST FOOTBALL..

Football on a Sunday
Basketball on the Saturday
et etc

Greeks are not rich....Aris fans are poor people, barely earning enough,,,,they spend all their money on supporting the team.

These guy are true fans, my friend. Not to say that you arent!!! But to call their fandom "fake" is just an injustice...

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