Armani acquitted of all charges (update p21)

Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Blue_Manc10 said:
Such a sad story, I am a committee member at Prestwich and whitefield and Armani attended one of our meetings a while back when he was over. He was such a lovely gentleman and was so enthusiastic about everything MCFC related. He was genuinely grateful for everything everyone had done for him and gave a touching speech.

If we, at Prestwich and whitefield can do anything to help, please get in touch.

I hope everything works out for him.

I'm the guy who brought Armani to the P&W meeting as he was my house guest at the time. All member branches of the Supporter Club have been sent an email suggesting how we can help Tony Griffiths who is doing the spade work to help Armani. I hope branches respond positively.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Falastur said:
Anyone have any idea just how much it would cost to pay for a better defence lawyer, bearing in mind it's Sierra Leone and not the UK?

He has a very good lawyer - who thinks he will get this thrown out - if really want to know the cost then pm me
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Tony was at my house for a break last week (some break) and was speaking with Armani every day - I also spoke with Armani - and whilst at the time it was very upsetting and worrying - I think we may now see light at the end of the tunnel - its not over by a long way BUT we are hearing slightly more positive things than previously

For those who are taking the view that this could effect our work out there adversely - please do not abandon Sierra Leone and the work being done if it were not for the work being done and the generosity of a hell of a lot of people then this sort of corruption would go unreported we need to keep our heads above the parrapit and let those corrupt barstewards know they are being watched - I feel sure this particular one will think twice about pulling another stunt like this

Sierra Leone and the Sierra Leone FA are backing Armani - and every single team (bar hers of course) is sending reps to back Armani - that is because you back Armani its no co-incidence - if we do not continue to give our support - ask yourself what would happen to Armani then

Please stick with us
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Just to let you all know that Tony has been in touch with Armani today (Tuesday 18 June) and he is really, really grateful for everyone's messages of support.

The press in SL are now following this thread and Tony is in contact with them.

Alex mentioned before all Supporters Clubs have been e-mailed separately on how to help with Armani's legal fees, so please contact your Branch Secretary or Chair for more information or message me and I'll let you have the details.

Once again, on behalf of Armani, many thanks for your tremendous support.....justice will prevail.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

howard said:
Just to let you all know that Tony has been in touch with Armani today (Tuesday 18 June) and he is really, really grateful for everyone's messages of support.

The press in SL are now following this thread and Tony is in contact with them.

Alex mentioned before all Supporters Clubs have been e-mailed separately on how to help with Armani's legal fees, so please contact your Branch Secretary or Chair for more information or message me and I'll let you have the details.

Once again, on behalf of Armani, many thanks for your tremendous support.....justice will prevail.

Nice one H

glad the press are following the thread it can only help - when they see the Support MCFC SL has and Armani in particular - in a very strange way this may help with the corruption in SL - would not have wished any of this on Armani at all as you know - but if it is known that the hierarchy do not always get away with it and its reported that way more people will come forward with other issues

Seems the would be first female Sierra Leone FA official may not be
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

This is a absolutely terrible story. Though im glad to see that the press are picking up on it. With any luck the case will be thrown out for what it is soon, a pile of nonsensical bull**** and Armani can get his life back.

I dont know you personally Armani, but my thoughts are with you and yours in this awful situation. Hopefully it wont be long before justice is done and that corrupt ***** gets a taste of her own medicine. If i can help in anyway, feel free to PM me.

Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

howard said:
Just to let you all know that Tony has been in touch with Armani today (Tuesday 18 June) and he is really, really grateful for everyone's messages of support.

The press in SL are now following this thread and Tony is in contact with them.

Alex mentioned before all Supporters Clubs have been e-mailed separately on how to help with Armani's legal fees, so please contact your Branch Secretary or Chair for more information or message me and I'll let you have the details.

Once again, on behalf of Armani, many thanks for your tremendous support.....justice will prevail.

Thanks for the update Howard, hopefully things are moving in Armani's favour now that there's more of a media focus on the case.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Just picked up on this and I am happy it's seeming to turn. Hope all works out well for Armani. I'm sure we can raise some funds if they're needed, we all saw what was achieved for the Mancini ad.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

nij said:
howard said:
Just to let you all know that Tony has been in touch with Armani today (Tuesday 18 June) and he is really, really grateful for everyone's messages of support.

The press in SL are now following this thread and Tony is in contact with them.

Alex mentioned before all Supporters Clubs have been e-mailed separately on how to help with Armani's legal fees, so please contact your Branch Secretary or Chair for more information or message me and I'll let you have the details.

Once again, on behalf of Armani, many thanks for your tremendous support.....justice will prevail.

Nice one H

glad the press are following the thread it can only help - when they see the Support MCFC SL has and Armani in particular - in a very strange way this may help with the corruption in SL - would not have wished any of this on Armani at all as you know - but if it is known that the hierarchy do not always get away with it and its reported that way more people will come forward with other issues

Seems the would be first female Sierra Leone FA official may not be

I'm skeptical of the idea that one publicised case can turn the tide against corruption. Usually such situations need a far more momentous event than that, or a massive ground-swell of popular support (like, "taking to the streets to protest our rights" support, rather than "I know that half the league are with you" support) but if it helps draw out a corrupt team owner and her cronies into the public eye and the public ire then I do hope that the naming and shaming can at least bring justice down on one group.

PM sent.

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