Armani acquitted of all charges (update p21)

Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

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Please can everyone report this case here. Do what you can, contact the SL government, speak to the British Consulate to look into the matter (its a UK football team involved) and whatever you can.

Armani is innocent.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Falastur said:
S04 said:
Unfortunately things like this happens every day in Sierra leone..All we can do is support Armani.

But the club ought to notify Abu Dhabi about this..a little reminder to Sierra Leone about the fact that Abu Dhabi agreed to lend them the money for the Toki-Loumi roadproject just six month ago might speed up things.

I think that's going a little far. That's a bit like saying that Aston Villa should ask David Cameron to threaten an African country with increasing the interest on their national debt just because a Villa fan went to said country wearing one of their shirts and someone mugged him while singing Birmingham songs.

Still, horrible situation for Armani and I really hope that he can sort himself out. Would be great if the club could be made aware of this and pull a few strings to organise his defence, though I'm not sure they'd want to get dragged into a court battle.

With City appearing to "embrace" Armani and showering him with merchandise we did put him in this situation, even if it never was anything official about it.
It made Armani "fair game" for the predators there I´m afraid..Or at least someone that needed to be put in his place as an example to others.
As long as merchandise was "shared" with this other club everything was hunky dory. Call it a protection racket or whatever but anything less than a show of strength now will erase everything Armani did in Sierra Leone, and reflect badly on City as we "abandoned" him..
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

S04 said:
Falastur said:
S04 said:
Unfortunately things like this happens every day in Sierra leone..All we can do is support Armani.

But the club ought to notify Abu Dhabi about this..a little reminder to Sierra Leone about the fact that Abu Dhabi agreed to lend them the money for the Toki-Loumi roadproject just six month ago might speed up things.

I think that's going a little far. That's a bit like saying that Aston Villa should ask David Cameron to threaten an African country with increasing the interest on their national debt just because a Villa fan went to said country wearing one of their shirts and someone mugged him while singing Birmingham songs.

Still, horrible situation for Armani and I really hope that he can sort himself out. Would be great if the club could be made aware of this and pull a few strings to organise his defence, though I'm not sure they'd want to get dragged into a court battle.

With City appearing to "embrace" Armani and showering him with merchandise we did put him in this situation, even if it never was anything official about it.
It made Armani "fair game" for the predators there I´m afraid..Or at least someone that needed to be put in his place as an example to others.
As long as merchandise was "shared" with this other club everything was hunky dory. Call it a protection racket or whatever but anything less than a show of strength now will erase everything Armani did in Sierra Leone, and reflect badly on City as we "abandoned" him..

As sad as it is I think the above poster is right.
You can't expect to so publicly give handouts to people in countries where justice has little meaning and expect there not to be some back-lash.

I really enjoyed Armani's story and was glad we helped but in retrospect perhaps it wasn't the best thing to have done.

Hindsight and all that thou eh.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Such a sad story, I am a committee member at Prestwich and whitefield and Armani attended one of our meetings a while back when he was over. He was such a lovely gentleman and was so enthusiastic about everything MCFC related. He was genuinely grateful for everything everyone had done for him and gave a touching speech.

If we, at Prestwich and whitefield can do anything to help, please get in touch.

I hope everything works out for him.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Served out there with the United Nations Police in 04/05. Corruption through influence knows no bounds. Anyone with cash can buy whatever they like. It's a dreadful situation to be in but when I read the story I can't say I was surprised.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

This will cause irretrievable damage to the benevolence provided to Sierra Leone throughout the country. I envisage a devastating withdrawal of charity and support. Armani is well-known to many in Britain as an honest gentleman who does nothing but good and to bring his name into disrepute is unforgivable. Think again Sierra Leone before those providing financial support withdraw it and ditch you.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

citytillidie24 said:
This makes me feel sick. Truly hoping this gets sorted out, it's disgraceful. churns your stomach! Corruption at the highest level is devastating for those on the receiving end who are helpless!<br /><br />-- Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:56 am --<br /><br />Sadly this just puts MCFC transfer activity into perspective!
Totally different worlds!
Thinking of you Armani!
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

having dealt with african exporters on a daily basis for 12 years this situation does not surprise me in the slightest - it appears unfortunately that the whole continent is corrupt and run on backhanders . how a continent so rich in natural resources can have some of the worst poverty on earth is disgusting- it is all down to corruption from top to bottom . good luck to armani .

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