Armed forces initiations

Seen a few people mention a gun barrel but the Guardian article on this refers to the foreign object as a mortar barrel and that the video was widely circulated. So that's revenge porn added to the list of offences.

All of these cunts should named and shamed and dishonorably discharged and then locked up for a long time.
Well said Jim, some of the so called jokes and making light of it was quite disturbing to say the least. It's that sort of mindset that means this shit carries on and on. Anyone who has done any sort of service will have witnessed or been subjected to some not pleasant stuff all dressed up as banter, part of being accepted, initiation ceremony, they can call it what they want. It is sadistic bullying and they know the victim of it daren't say anything as they will be ostracized or worse. I never saw anything this bad thankfully but a blind eye was turned to some stuff that crossed the line from a supposed bit of "fun."
I agree
But every man & his dog knew what went on
Some in senior positions even condoned it .Every time something like this hits the fan, the same things are said , & then it happens again & again
I agree
But every man & his dog knew what went on
Some in senior positions even condoned it .Every time something like this hits the fan, the same things are said , & then it happens again & again

Correct mate, personally I don't think it will ever end. Get a load of young bloke's together and they will often form a pack mentality.
Correct mate, personally I don't think it will ever end. Get a load of young bloke's together and they will often form a pack mentality.
The thing is though, if people object or don't join in they fear they will be next.
If you complained to a senior officer your life would be made hell & you would be left isolated & probably get bullied more
The thing is though, if people object or don't join in they fear they will be next.
If you complained to a senior officer your life would be made hell & you would be left isolated & probably get bullied more

Spot on and that's why it needs very strong training officers keeping an eye on things.
Remember years ago a Royal Marine had to do that after completing training & he died from alcohol poisoning
The lad that drank that, fell straight over, puked it all back up otherwise he may not have been around today. That wasn't an initiation neither. Ours was quite tame at 7 Armoured Workshop bar.
In terms of military initiation the fact that 'everyone' goes through the same or similar helps to breed a sense a 'togetherness'. I'm pretty sure this is how it's been viewed and (unofficially) endorsed by commanders for many year, certainly among the elite elements of the Armed Services and to a lesser degree other units.

In reality, that sense of togetherness can be harboured in many ways which do not have to involve humiliation or violent/sexual assault. I just don't think the military have quite evolved fast enough, and senior leadership have taken their eye off the ball. Hopefully this incident is the catalyst for change.
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In terms of military initiation the fact that 'everyone' goes through the same or similar helps to breed a sense a 'togetherness'. I'm pretty sure this is how it's been viewed and (unofficially) endorsed by commanders for many year, certainly among the elite elements of the Armed Services and to a lesser degree other units.

In reality, that sense of togetherness can be harboured in many ways which do not have to involve humiliation or violent/sexual assault. I just don't think the military have quite evolved fast enough, and senior leadership have taken their eye off the ball. Hopefully this incident is the catalyst for change.
I doubt if anything will change in the long term
There has been many such scandals which never hit the headlines
Once they do they wheel some Top Brass out who says blah blah blah
An NCO will probably get a bollocking
Then life goes on as "normal'
Not RAF or quite as related by my university’s football teams (men’s and women’s) managed to land themselves in deep shit (literally) when one of the initiations was to piss all over one of the women, and someone curled one out on her.

Fucking oddballs.
I saw a bunch of Royal Marines in Singapore force one of their own to eat a shit butty, washed down with a pint of piss. I would have refused and taken a beating.
Apart from that l saw no serious bullying other than the big guy picking on a smaller one stuff you get everywhere even in Civvy Street.
No initiation ceremonies but unclean people got a 'Regimenal bath', chucked into a cold bath and scrubbed. Thankfully not common.
I doubt if anything will change in the long term
There has been many such scandals which never hit the headlines
Once they do they wheel some Top Brass out who says blah blah blah
An NCO will probably get a bollocking
Then life goes on as "normal'
Nah. Something has to give. This is probably one scandal too many.

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