Arsenal (A) | Community Shield | Post-match Thread

Maybe they haven't been shelling out for CL, FA Cup final and Semi!! They cost a fortune for people who decided, rightly or wrongly, that the Charity Shield, or whatever name it is this year was a game too far?

Let the JCLs have their turn, but our 'legacy' or whatever you want to call us have not got bottomless purses. :-) JMHO and my two 'pennorth.
I completely understand why a lot of fans didn't go especially those that follow us home and away. Just one thing though ,not being a S/C holder or part of 1894, or a fan that decided to boycott doesn't mean you are a JCL or tourist. I happened to be in London at the weekend for something else and many of the fans I saw around on Sunday were families coming off the trains,many wearing older shirts. I'd guess a lot werelong standing match day fans with young families / grandchildren taking up the chance of a Wembley trip in the school holidays.
That can only be a good thing.
Arsenal had a good 30 minutes in the first half. The second belonged to us and Phil should have stuck that one away to make it 2-0 five minutes before the end. The game was drawn due to what for me was an own goal in way too much injury time.

Nothing much else to see here, unless you are an Arsenal fan and it was your cup final!
He should, especially as i had 2 quid on him for last goal. Bugger...
I completely understand why a lot of fans didn't go especially those that follow us home and away. Just one thing though ,not being a S/C holder or part of 1894, or a fan that decided to boycott doesn't mean you are a JCL or tourist. I happened to be in London at the weekend for something else and many of the fans I saw around on Sunday were families coming off the trains,many wearing older shirts. I'd guess a lot werelong standing match day fans with young families / grandchildren taking up the chance of a Wembley trip in the school holidays.
That can only be a good thing.
Sorry @blueparrot I didn't think my post through properly, heart/head syndrome again!! I didn't mean to imply that the only people who went were JCLs. I think the Eccles Branch ran a coach as well and I know at least 3 people who go to everything (& I mean everything) and they were there as well.

Please accept my apology. I need to think seriously before I let my heart rule. :-)

To be honest it would be like labelling my Canadian family JCLs when they come over on holiday and I manage to get tickets for them. Son and wife were season card holders for years at Maine Road before they emigrated so they take the opportunity when we can sort it. :-)
Sorry again.
No need thanks, my first game was in 1958.
Not many games I missed back in the day.
That's a strange reply. I'm not questioning your loyalty, so I'm surprised you felt the need to reference it.

Watch it, don't watch it, it's entirely up to you, but you asked this....
True so why still boycott the game?
I thought you might want to hear from the folk behind the boycott, because at the end they address your point.
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That's a strange reply. I'm not questioning your loyalty, so I'm surprised you felt the need to reference it.

Watch it, don't watch it, it's entirely up to you, but you asked this....

And the video answers it.
I have an opinion about the boycott, that’s all it is. No need for jrb or anyone else to tell me to give it a rest and give it up.
i dont really understand the reaction of some City fans on here to the way Arsenal celebrated and are talking up their chances. Theyre an inferior set up and not as good a team, of course they're going to celebrate winning against the Champions of Europe and, well, winning anything at all let's be honest.

so what they run and jump about a bit, so what some of their players want to be a bit bullish, i dont really see how would be any other way. Telling people how to celebrate seems a bit.....United of old actually. Just ignore them and let the season do the talking.

As it is, City were ok but a bit passive. They'll have to learn quickly about seeing out looong periods of the game from 85 onwards now, sitting deep and hoofing is not going to do the job at all. I think we look light on the right. Couple of players yet to wake up. Arse will probably contend again, for at least a third of the season anyway :D

oh last thing; the new yellow cards rule for kicking the ball away is very welcome by me. Penalised players have no business touching the ball after the whistle, pisses me off when they knock it away. Hope it sticks (it wont).
The Tarquins and other red top followers always take digs at others, sneering at anyone who dares to have wild celebrations after drawing with them. They can't have it both ways.
Need doesn't come in to it.

They can tell you what they like, it's down to you what you do with it.
Why is it strange, there were several hundred posters on here who voted against the boycott.
Enough from me, it’s sundowner time where I am!
as you say, it wont result in multiple reds per game, it just wont. But i expect instead of just stamping out the practice, there'll be a kerfuffle over a few yellows (maybe a red) and some sort of agreement will be made.

That replay is ridiculous, Stones, Haaland and one other (perhaps Akanji, cant remember) were all in full double arm wraps when trying to jump, it was far beyond what's normally allowed in a Prem game. I would fully expect (ha!) a pen for that in a Prem game.
I kept waiting for VAR review but don't think the commentators even mentioned it

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