Arsenal (A) - Post-Match Thread

RAWK heads exploding on the City thread...........

Well this is it. Despite being a bunch of gobshites, Everton are a proper club. I'd want Abu Dhabi to knock them out too. Everton picking up a trophy would actually mean something. This lot buying another one just voids the whole thing anyway in my eyes.

Abu Dhabi. No one loves you. No one hates you. No one cares about you.

The biggest insult you can offer anyone in life is not your hatred, it's your indifference. If we look around us, all this lot attract is complete indifference, and that tells us all we need to know about them.

Yeah, 488 pages of indifference.
One of those victories that go under the radar at the end of the season when the medals are handed out , despite being under pressure our defence was superb , when it comes to top level football games the Goons do not have the goolies to finish teams off . Were as we are serial winners with players who will run through brick walls for the shirt.
That's why we are Champions and the Goons are nowhere and never will be.
Apart from being an absolute brilliant player Brewnado is one the biggest shitbags playing football I am so fucking glad he plays for us. Oppo fans must fucking hate him.
Why is he a shitbag. I know roughly what you mean but all this shitbag shithousery, doesn't make any sense. I would have Bernardo in the fucking trenches. More balls than 99.9% of anyone.
For all those on the match day thread saying Kev was off it - when it mattered he played the forward pass at just the right time and ran his socks off at the end. Even when not on A+ form he finds ways to help us win - that is the sign of a champion.
McPointy said it was " speculative ball". It was a perfect pass.What a biased BT wanker.

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