Arsenal (A) - Sun Oct 8th, 16:30 | PL | Pre-Match Thread

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Arsenal now play like the dippers. They start at 100mph and hit on the break with pace. We need to keep control of the ball, smother them and quieten the crowd. The longer it goes where they don't score doubts will creep in and hopefully mistakes too.
I said the chances of Rico starting were slim to none. Shows what I know, once again.

I just hope it's not at the expense of Foden and/or Alvarez.
Arsenal now play like the dippers. They start at 100mph and hit on the break with pace. We need to keep control of the ball, smother them and quieten the crowd. The longer it goes where they don't score doubts will creep in and hopefully mistakes too.

Nothing to fear from them. As with every match, the only side that scare me is City and our propensity to shoot ourselves in the foot. That and the referees. We put a 7/10 performance in and we beat this load of shit comfortably.
There is absolutely nothing to get you fired up for a game more than having to endure being on a train full of Arsenal fans.
Try being in one with the dippers while your hands are clenched around your phone and your wallet.
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