SWP's back said:
EaglesFan said:
I think he had a better game than Balotelli last game (or maybe even last two games)?
On top of that Dzeko had good games vs. Arsenal this year...
So - yes?
And based on what did Balotelli earn the starting 11 in last few games? Executing a penalty? Woopty-doo.
And you joined the forum because of which player?
Ah right..... I see.
Can't wait til he leaves and takes the plastic fanboys with him. No room for them on a City forum. We only care about City doing well, they would prefer City to lose and their hero to play.
And what makes you Godfather of this forum, man?
You are annoying with that shit, honestly.
At least guys like redmizzle, pudge, etc. have arguments and can discuss.
You are just being a dic*head with this. Take a chill pill.