Arsenal Thread 2013/14

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Gillespie said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Gillespie said:
I have said it before and I'll say it again. As an Arsenal fan, moaning about the wealth of City is an exercise in futility. Either you have broken the rules, in which case there might be some sort of UEFA sanction or you haven't in which case, nothing to worry about.

Everything else is just so much noise. By the way I'm not sure I've seen any headed notepaper. Is that some kind of letter to UEFA?

As for Danny Fiszman and what he might have done in more simple times, who cares? It's hardly relevant to anything now, is it?

in more simple times? what, when it was only you and the Rags fighting for the title so it didn't matter what you spent?

Yes and a time when the money spent was relatively modest compared to today. But that's all history now and as I said above, not really relevant to the FFPR environment we have now. Probably better now because the competition is greater.
" that's all history now" surprise , surprise , when arsenal received the benefits of a " sugar daddy" - apparently that's a very popular expression with the fans of certain clubs- which directly propelled your club to where it finds itself now , we can just put it down to "history" as if it had no relevance.It may have been "relatively modest " at the time ,but since then clubs like arsenal and utd. have grossly inflated transfer fees and salaries to the point where only the wealth of oil sheikhs and Russian oligarchs make it possible for the rest of us to catch up. But that's happening now , and it's just not fair , is it?
Very patronising tone " either you have broken the rules etc." Where did these rules suddenly appear from ? Who benefits most directly from their implementation . ( the headed notepaper would give you a clue)which clubs pushed hardest for them?
It all sounds like the old school arrogance of the established powers.The only other club we hear this from is the rags .
Bodicoteblue said:
Gillespie said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
in more simple times? what, when it was only you and the Rags fighting for the title so it didn't matter what you spent?

Yes and a time when the money spent was relatively modest compared to today. But that's all history now and as I said above, not really relevant to the FFPR environment we have now. Probably better now because the competition is greater.
" that's all history now" surprise , surprise , when arsenal received the benefits of a " sugar daddy" - apparently that's a very popular expression with the fans of certain clubs- which directly propelled your club to where it finds itself now , we can just put it down to "history" as if it had no relevance.It may have been "relatively modest " at the time ,but since then clubs like arsenal and utd. have grossly inflated transfer fees and salaries to the point where only the wealth of oil sheikhs and Russian oligarchs make it possible for the rest of us to catch up. But that's happening now , and it's just not fair , is it?
Very patronising tone " either you have broken the rules etc." Where did these rules suddenly appear from ? Who benefits most directly from their implementation . ( the headed notepaper would give you a clue)which clubs pushed hardest for them?
It all sounds like the old school arrogance of the established powers.The only other club we hear this from is the rags .

...and Liverpool...<br /><br />-- Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:38 am --<br /><br />Oh..and Spurs..believe it or not. To see the letter your club wrote just Google "Arsenal + letter + financial fair play" and you'll find an excellent article by Martin Samuel showing a copy of the letter. Educate yourself a little.
Am I to assume that you would prefer no limits on spending at all?

I don't moan about City's wealth because as I said before that would be an exercise in futility.

You may not like FFP, you may not feel it is fair because you see it as a tool to reinforce the dominance of the old order but the fact is, the rules are here and all clubs will need to abide by them. Anyway, you have now established yourself as part if the top order, so ironically what you now rail against might in future be to your benefit.

Complaining about FFP is as futile as my complaining about not being able to compete with you guys in the transfer market.

I take a pragmatic view. I waste no time debating the rights and wrongs of FFP because it's here and it's likely here to stay.

Anyway, please do us a favour and spank Everton when you play them. It would be nice of you to help our top 4 cause ;^)
Gillespie said:
Am I to assume that you would prefer no limits on spending at all?

I don't moan about City's wealth because as I said before that would be an exercise in futility.

You may not like FFP, you may not feel it is fair because you see it as a tool to reinforce the dominance of the old order but the fact is, the rules are here and all clubs will need to abide by them. Anyway, you have now established yourself as part if the top order, so ironically what you now rail against might in future be to your benefit.

Complaining about FFP is as futile as my complaining about not being able to compete with you guys in the transfer market.

I take a pragmatic view. I waste no time debating the rights and wrongs of FFP because it's here and it's likely here to stay.

Anyway, please do us a favour and spank Everton when you play them. It would be nice of you to help our top 4 cause ;^)

A new 'Manchester City' wouldn't bother me in the slightest, more competition = a better product, surely even you can understand that?

Why should other clubs be denied a chance at winning something, competing for the title, winning cups, going into the Champions League, just because they are not a 'big club' or part of the 'established elite', the so-called 'top four'?

That's arrogant, conceited and selfish. The ONLY reason those four clubs rallied together, was to stop other clubs usurping them.

Well fuck you Arsenal, yoonited, spuds and whoever else, we got in, just in time.
Bilboblue said:
Gillespie said:
Am I to assume that you would prefer no limits on spending at all?

I don't moan about City's wealth because as I said before that would be an exercise in futility.

You may not like FFP, you may not feel it is fair because you see it as a tool to reinforce the dominance of the old order but the fact is, the rules are here and all clubs will need to abide by them. Anyway, you have now established yourself as part if the top order, so ironically what you now rail against might in future be to your benefit.

Complaining about FFP is as futile as my complaining about not being able to compete with you guys in the transfer market.

I take a pragmatic view. I waste no time debating the rights and wrongs of FFP because it's here and it's likely here to stay.

Anyway, please do us a favour and spank Everton when you play them. It would be nice of you to help our top 4 cause ;^)

A new 'Manchester City' wouldn't bother me in the slightest, more competition = a better product, surely even you can understand that?

Why should other clubs be denied a chance at winning something, competing for the title, winning cups, going into the Champions League, just because they are not a 'big club' or part of the 'established elite', the so-called 'top four'?

That's arrogant, conceited and selfish. The ONLY reason those four clubs rallied together, was to stop other clubs usurping them.

Well fuck you Arsenal, yoonited, spuds and whoever else, we got in, just in time.

I agree that more competition is good and I see that for some clubs the only way they can break into the top order is with a billionaire behind them willing to spend hugely. But what happens when that owner tires of his new toy or dies and those who inherit the club lack interest? Without some kind of sustainability, the club is bust living beyond its means. FFP was meant to prevent the high scale failures of recent years too.

Any system has its flaws but balancing the need to prevent future high scale failures against allowing other clubs sufficient spending to allow them to compete at the top level was always going to be a difficult ask.

You failed to answer my question though. You presumably would prefer no regulation and clubs could spend as much and as recklessly as they like?

Maybe we should impose a salary cap instead?

PS I finally get why there is so much anti Arsenal feeling on here, fuelled largely by this gang of 4 letter which I hadn't previously been aware off
This financial fair play ban city are being threatened with is an absolute joke. Blatant racism by uefa. They don't want Arab owners in Europe so they're going after Psg and city. With owners who pumped money into the community and regenerated the areas they're in. They should be going after those clubs that sent local businesses to the wall like pompey. It's a disgrace, city's overspending also saved a lot of clubs from financial trouble both in England and abroad. I thought Ffp was designed to stop clubs spending what they can't afford.

I have no problem with city spending money or anyone else. It's a free world. I think the return on their investment in the last 2 years would have been abysmal though. If they don't win the league. It seems money can't buy spine and will to win. If we had city's squad and resources and lost the league to this Liverpool side I'd be absolutely livid.
To have just the capital one to show for the last 2 years would be a major failure. Even we could end up with a better return and we are in crisis.
AwayDay said:
This financial fair play ban city are being threatened with is an absolute joke. Blatant racism by uefa. They don't want Arab owners in Europe so they're going after Psg and city. With owners who pumped money into the community and regenerated the areas they're in. They should be going after those clubs that sent local businesses to the wall like pompey. It's a disgrace, city's overspending also saved a lot of clubs from financial trouble both in England and abroad. I thought Ffp was designed to stop clubs spending what they can't afford.

I have no problem with city spending money or anyone else. It's a free world. I think the return on their investment in the last 2 years would have been abysmal though. If they don't win the league. It seems money can't buy spine and will to win. If we had city's squad and resources and lost the league to this Liverpool side I'd be absolutely livid.
To have just the capital one to show for the last 2 years would be a major failure. Even we could end up with a better return and we are in crisis.

I disagree that there is any anti Arab sentiment behind the framing of a FFP. That's a conspiracy theory too far. City may still win the league and I agree that having the strongest resources, that is what should be expected of them. As for Liverpool, they have spent some big money and is reflected in their performances.

Anyway, the only trophy that counts (besides the championship and the CL) is a top 4 finish. Domestic cups are merely icing on the cake.
Gillespie said:
Bilboblue said:
Gillespie said:
Am I to assume that you would prefer no limits on spending at all?

I don't moan about City's wealth because as I said before that would be an exercise in futility.

You may not like FFP, you may not feel it is fair because you see it as a tool to reinforce the dominance of the old order but the fact is, the rules are here and all clubs will need to abide by them. Anyway, you have now established yourself as part if the top order, so ironically what you now rail against might in future be to your benefit.

Complaining about FFP is as futile as my complaining about not being able to compete with you guys in the transfer market.

I take a pragmatic view. I waste no time debating the rights and wrongs of FFP because it's here and it's likely here to stay.

Anyway, please do us a favour and spank Everton when you play them. It would be nice of you to help our top 4 cause ;^)

A new 'Manchester City' wouldn't bother me in the slightest, more competition = a better product, surely even you can understand that?

Why should other clubs be denied a chance at winning something, competing for the title, winning cups, going into the Champions League, just because they are not a 'big club' or part of the 'established elite', the so-called 'top four'?

That's arrogant, conceited and selfish. The ONLY reason those four clubs rallied together, was to stop other clubs usurping them.

Well fuck you Arsenal, yoonited, spuds and whoever else, we got in, just in time.

I agree that more competition is good and I see that for some clubs the only way they can break into the top order is with a billionaire behind them willing to spend hugely. But what happens when that owner tires of his new toy or dies and those who inherit the club lack interest? Without some kind of sustainability, the club is bust living beyond its means. FFP was meant to prevent the high scale failures of recent years too.

Any system has its flaws but balancing the need to prevent future high scale failures against allowing other clubs sufficient spending to allow them to compete at the top level was always going to be a difficult ask.

You failed to answer my question though. You presumably would prefer no regulation and clubs could spend as much and as recklessly as they like?

Maybe we should impose a salary cap instead?

PS I finally get why there is so much anti Arsenal feeling on here, fuelled largely by this gang of 4 letter which I hadn't previously been aware off

That can still happen to you. What if whoever gets majority shares decides he's had enough of football.
Same difference both systems still need a buyer who is interested.
Difference is by then the money spent by our club with all the infrastructure, we would have a lot bigger and better
product.<br /><br />-- Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:44 am --<br /><br />
AwayDay said:
This financial fair play ban city are being threatened with is an absolute joke. Blatant racism by uefa. They don't want Arab owners in Europe so they're going after Psg and city. With owners who pumped money into the community and regenerated the areas they're in. They should be going after those clubs that sent local businesses to the wall like pompey. It's a disgrace, city's overspending also saved a lot of clubs from financial trouble both in England and abroad. I thought Ffp was designed to stop clubs spending what they can't afford.

I have no problem with city spending money or anyone else. It's a free world. I think the return on their investment in the last 2 years would have been abysmal though. If they don't win the league. It seems money can't buy spine and will to win. If we had city's squad and resources and lost the league to this Liverpool side I'd be absolutely livid.
To have just the capital one to show for the last 2 years would be a major failure. Even we could end up with a better return and we are in crisis.

Nice one. Exactly the media conveniently forget to mention monies from MCFC that filters down to all
levels in football (Hyde being prime example) and into the community as a whole.
Gillespie said:
Bilboblue said:
Gillespie said:
Am I to assume that you would prefer no limits on spending at all?

I don't moan about City's wealth because as I said before that would be an exercise in futility.

You may not like FFP, you may not feel it is fair because you see it as a tool to reinforce the dominance of the old order but the fact is, the rules are here and all clubs will need to abide by them. Anyway, you have now established yourself as part if the top order, so ironically what you now rail against might in future be to your benefit.

Complaining about FFP is as futile as my complaining about not being able to compete with you guys in the transfer market.

I take a pragmatic view. I waste no time debating the rights and wrongs of FFP because it's here and it's likely here to stay.

Anyway, please do us a favour and spank Everton when you play them. It would be nice of you to help our top 4 cause ;^)

A new 'Manchester City' wouldn't bother me in the slightest, more competition = a better product, surely even you can understand that?

Why should other clubs be denied a chance at winning something, competing for the title, winning cups, going into the Champions League, just because they are not a 'big club' or part of the 'established elite', the so-called 'top four'?

That's arrogant, conceited and selfish. The ONLY reason those four clubs rallied together, was to stop other clubs usurping them.

Well fuck you Arsenal, yoonited, spuds and whoever else, we got in, just in time.

I agree that more competition is good and I see that for some clubs the only way they can break into the top order is with a billionaire behind them willing to spend hugely. But what happens when that owner tires of his new toy or dies and those who inherit the club lack interest? Without some kind of sustainability, the club is bust living beyond its means. FFP was meant to prevent the high scale failures of recent years too.

Any system has its flaws but balancing the need to prevent future high scale failures against allowing other clubs sufficient spending to allow them to compete at the top level was always going to be a difficult ask.

You failed to answer my question though. You presumably would prefer no regulation and clubs could spend as much and as recklessly as they like?

Maybe we should impose a salary cap instead?

PS I finally get why there is so much anti Arsenal feeling on here, fuelled largely by this gang of 4 letter which I hadn't previously been aware off
Ah! There it is - the old chestnut " what happens when rich owner gets bored" This demonstrates the naivety and ignorance who pronounce on a subject about which they know little .
Sheikh Mansour is one of the shrewdest businessmen on the planet - he employs some of the other shrewdest businessmen on the planet- he has a huge , successful empire worldwide. The stupid implication that he will invest billions in a football club , its future development and its environment, and then " get bored and walk away " is breathtaking in its ignorance and simple naïveté ( not to mention insulting)
Perhaps , by the way , you could give us an example of a " high scale failure" which has resulted from the behaviour you describe?
There's another favourite " spending recklessly" or " throwing money at it" - two of the favourite expressions we hear.
If there is a lot of money spent it's "reckless " never " invested shrewdly" there are no headlines in that.
How can it be " reckless " if it can be shown - and I think we can safely say it can - that an owner can afford it and can pay all the clubs debts ( which he has).
Of course there can be regulations but they have to be aimed at the right targets - these aren't . There are going to be changes made and it could get messy.
I think Arsenal missing out on the Champion's League this season is exactly what they need.

They need that kick up the backside, they've just been coasting the last few seasons.

Missing out on the Champion's League will force them into signings.

Arsenal will be as dangerous as Chelsea next season if (big if) they can get a top centre forward in the summer.
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