Artificial Intelligence

When the tech gets sufficiently advanced. It's not like I've got a dark circled or anything but it will happen because it's almost impossible for it not to happen.

Oh and I also used to tell people that robotics would completely change the world's economy and got laughed at, and that is happening right now

Agreed, but in the main - humans adapt with the changes, regulation comes into force, governments work together etc. - society continues.
Anyone worried about this need also to be worried about calculators because its on the same intellectual level just massive.

Chess playing computers are similar.. Analyse the given data, check your DB for the best answers that have been stored or learnt, learn something from this interaction, provide the answer back.
To go from that to "it can start WW3" is ridiculous.

Thats my experience of it anyway. If anything it is a danger to jobs but even then we always move up to the next level.
Analyse the given data, check your DB for the best answers that have been stored or learnt, learn something from this interaction, provide the answer back.

You've just described how the human brain works

We'll survive.

The ignorance surrounding the topic and its dangers are by far the biggest threat and the biggest reason why I think we won't. Most people, including politicians, have absolutely no idea how current AI models work, what they are, what AGI is, how it differs, what the problems are or how to solve them.
The ignorance surrounding the topic and its dangers are by far the biggest threat and the biggest reason why I think we won't. Most people, including politicians, have absolutely no idea how current AI models work, what they are, what AGI is, how it differs, what the problems are or how to solve them.

In the same way covid caught everyone including politicians totally off guard, many many thousands died but ultimately governments worked together, public locked down and science come together to create a vaccine and see the virus out.

There is many institutions and governmental departments currently working on the threat of AI.
I recall listening to Brian Cox talking about AI on the Joe Rogan podcast a few years ago and he was of the opinion, after consulting experts on the subject, that a general intelligence is decades away and is of no immediate concern. I wonder if his opinion has changed.

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