Artificial Intelligence

Damocles said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm not bullshitting. There's lots of evidence. I'm not serving it to you on a plate. Seek and you shall find.

I'm not spreading anything other than good vibes, positive thoughts and clean living.

I've explained earlier why this is nonsense. You're full of shit.

It's not my place to lead the horses to water.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Damocles said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm not bullshitting. There's lots of evidence. I'm not serving it to you on a plate. Seek and you shall find.

I'm not spreading anything other than good vibes, positive thoughts and clean living.

I've explained earlier why this is nonsense. You're full of shit.

It's not my place to lead the horses to water.

Yes it is. When you assert something that isn't generally accepted scientifically, it's your job to provide the evidence.

As I say, yet another theist who turns out to be a charlatan and a liar.
Damocles said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Damocles said:
I've explained earlier why this is nonsense. You're full of shit.

It's not my place to lead the horses to water.

Yes it is. When you assert something that isn't generally accepted scientifically, it's your job to provide the evidence.

As I say, yet another theist who turns out to be a charlatan and a liar.

I have no responsibility whatsoever to convince anyone of anything.

My beliefs are mine and I'd never want to mentally rape someone with them.

You live by a much more dogmatic set of rules than any religious person I've ever known.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Damocles said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm not bullshitting. There's lots of evidence. I'm not serving it to you on a plate. Seek and you shall find.

I'm not spreading anything other than good vibes, positive thoughts and clean living.

I've explained earlier why this is nonsense. You're full of shit.

It's not my place to lead the horses to water.

You really are fast becoming a walking cliche.
You sound like a small child - 'I know where it is,but I'm not telling you,you've got to find it'.
If you were really keen to spread your enlightenment amongst the rest of us,you would be falling over yourself to convince us of your 'truth',not acting like a petulant toddler playing hide and seek.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Damocles said:
I've explained earlier why this is nonsense. You're full of shit.

It's not my place to lead the horses to water.

You really are fast becoming a walking cliche.
You sound like a small child - 'I know where it is,but I'm not telling you,you've got to find it'.
If you were really keen to spread your enlightenment amongst the rest of us,you would be falling over yourself to convince us of your 'truth',not acting like a petulant toddler playing hide and seek.

I'm not keen to spread anything other than a joyous atmosphere.

How others wish to live is no business of mine. I'm not here to force people to think a certain way as if I belonged to some form of Taliban of logic.
TheMightyQuinn said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
It's not my place to lead the horses to water.

You really are fast becoming a walking cliche.
You sound like a small child - 'I know where it is,but I'm not telling you,you've got to find it'.
If you were really keen to spread your enlightenment amongst the rest of us,you would be falling over yourself to convince us of your 'truth',not acting like a petulant toddler playing hide and seek.

I'm not keen to spread anything other than a joyous atmosphere.

How others wish to live is no business of mine. I'm not here to force people to think a certain way as if I belonged to some form of Taliban of logic.

But according to your claims,you have found this 'inner truth'.
Why will you not share it with those who seek enlightenment?
It seems a bit selfish of you to hide this information from the rest of us.
That's not a very public spirited stance from someone who professes to love his fellow man.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
You really are fast becoming a walking cliche.
You sound like a small child - 'I know where it is,but I'm not telling you,you've got to find it'.
If you were really keen to spread your enlightenment amongst the rest of us,you would be falling over yourself to convince us of your 'truth',not acting like a petulant toddler playing hide and seek.

I'm not keen to spread anything other than a joyous atmosphere.

How others wish to live is no business of mine. I'm not here to force people to think a certain way as if I belonged to some form of Taliban of logic.

But according to your claims,you have found this 'inner truth'.
Why will you not share it with those who seek enlightenment?
It seems a bit selfish of you to hide this information from the rest of us.
That's not a very public spirited stance from someone who professes to love his fellow man.

It's not so much a case of me not being willing to show and more a case of people not being able to see.

The fact my spirituality can't be condensed into a url is largely irrelevant.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I have no responsibility whatsoever to convince anyone of anything.

My beliefs are mine and I'd never want to mentally rape someone with them.

Translation: I'm full of shit.

You live by a much more dogmatic set of rules than any religious person I've ever known.

So? The difference between me and them is that I see reality the way it is rather than the way that I want it to be. To do this, you have to use certain rules like "evidence" and "experimentation" to offset any human bias.
Damocles said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I have no responsibility whatsoever to convince anyone of anything.

My beliefs are mine and I'd never want to mentally rape someone with them.

Translation: I'm full of shit.

You live by a much more dogmatic set of rules than any religious person I've ever known.

So? The difference between me and them is that I see reality the way it is rather than the way that I want it to be. To do this, you have to use certain rules like "evidence" and "experimentation" to offset any human bias.

Again it seems people want me to apologise for not forcing my beliefs on them.

Yet religiously over bearing people are also scoffed at.

Persecution such as this could lead a lesser mind to dreams of martyrdom.
I am starting to get a really pissed off with the way “Artificial Intelligence” is becoming the latest buzzword.

There are adverts boasting about the use of AI to create…. Varifocal glasses. It's as if they didn’t exist before or t somehow makes them better. How is AI used for this? Surely they just mean computers rather than actual real AI.

Then a big feature on the news about AI, which was mainly about self driving cars. As far as I understand it that is just computers and sensors, it’s programmed and not AI as such.

Then the “new” Beatles record which was supposedly created using AI. I’m fucking sure it wasn’t AI, it was just normal computers and software and programming.

I know it is going to drive me round the bend as this trendy phrase is used more and more to sell stuff and to avoid actually explaining how anything involving a computer has been done, or to make it sound cleverer than it really is.

Now you have read this I am sure you will start to notice it too, and I will feel a tiny amount better knowing that Others are suffering with me!

To save my sanity I think I may go down the Cliff Richard route and replace the word ‘Intelligence’ with ‘Inseminatation’ every time I the phrase AI is used. In 99% of cases it will be just as accurate.

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