As a club - what have we done so wrong?

de niro said:
its just fear josh, add jealousy too.

thats been my standpoint from the off and its now starting to bear fruit on the pitch.
the more we look like the real deal the more they don't like it.
because once we hit the summit it will be a long time before we move from it.
and they all know it.
the best players will be wearing the blue of city(you could say they already are)

i love it

would love to hear oppo fans views on this
KillieMitch said:
goat boy said:
Hello killiemitch, interesting insight; fair play. one thing - I'd imagine the industry that is football needs to have a word with itself, en masse. £200,000 a week to play football is ludicrous in reality, but by the same token so is £2000 a week, and i dare say there are many more earning that sort of money. Ticket pricing is the biggest sham of all, tho, imo.

Anyway, i doubt you'll really see city spend again for a while - and by that i don't mean no signings, but i do imagine we'll slow down dramatically and consistently from here on in. Many might say that this is s reaction to financial fair play, but i honestly believe that at the outset, a big splurge was always the plan, then they'd stop. I wish i had time to synopsis the 'las Vegas' thread you'll see on the main page, but you may get the just that we've been talking about something bigger than football,:happening in east Manchester, for the last 2 years and more on there. Something good for the sport at large, the city and the country.

Good point on the wages - you're absolutely right, just as bad at the bottom as it is at the top. And pricing is just as bad (comparatively worse?) for small clubs like ours. £25 it cost me and 4500 others to watch Kilmarnock v Aberdeen in a near hurricane last week. Too expensive - no wonder folk stay away from SPL games.

I'm desperate for Financial Fair Play to work - how exciting would the Premiership be if the teams were on an even footing financially? Clubs like Spurs, Newcastle, Everton all with huge support/history too - I'd love to see a truly competitive transfer market and league. Would love to see who players chose to sign for if money wasn't the issue.

Nick Hornby has a great line: 'it used to cost me the same amount to get in to see Arsenal as it did to get the train to the stadium.' Changed days
Hahahahahahahahaha! You clearly don't understand FFP if you think it will make things fairer. FFP will make it worse. Only the teams with the big revenues will be competitive. i.e, the current top teams will remain the top teams forever.
I am surrounded by Arsenal fans and most of them have been fine. They have been giving me stick for years as we went down two divisions and they won trophies. They have accepted that success is achieved through cash nowadays.

I said MOST. The owner of the company is constant with his vitriol,

Arsenal are a club with real history

City are not a big club

Arsenal play the most attractive football in the prem

Nasri only joined because he is a mercenary

They are financially much more astute than us selling us players at inflated prices. plus they live within their means

Wenger is the best talent spotter in the universe. No Arsenal player would have a career if he hadn't signed them

Arsenal supporters would rather be top four not winning anything than spend our sort of money

We are universally despised by all true football fans

I could go on but you get the drift!
Who cares? In 20 years time City's dominance of English football will be so entrenched that people will scarcely remember or be able to comprehend anything different.

And that makes trends in attitudes towards us at present time really quite an irrelevant footnote - 'dust in the wind' as we ride towards an inevitable destination, a destination to which our haters and detractors are coming right along with us and can do absolutely fuck all to change.

Just putting my philosophical hat on for the morning, sorry if that sounded RAWKish :)
They're all hypocrites.

I've even seen people say that City poaching Pogba from United would be the ruin of football, ignoring how he came to be at United in the first place.
Arsenal fans singing "you only went for the money" to Nasri shows how blinkered they are to me. Yes he did go for more money.....but also went to a team with more chance of winning trophies. More money + better team = no brainer. They said the same about 'Cashley' Cole....but since moving to Chelsea he has won a league cup, three FA Cups, the Premier League and appeared in the CL final. Arsenal have won nothing in that time. He has also finished higher in the league in each of those years and has earnt more money without having to relocate from London.

When Sol Campbell left Spurs for Arsenal they thought it was great....but they fail to see this hypocrisy.
KillieMitch said:
Also, it’s better than the Chelsea takeover to me as the fans were there all along with City. You’re a big club, with a huge fanbase who deserve to do well.

Please see my post on the "How many went to Chelsea last night?" thread.

You may learn something.
Ronnie the Rep said:
I am surrounded by Arsenal fans and most of them have been fine. They have been giving me stick for years as we went down two divisions and they won trophies. They have accepted that success is achieved through cash nowadays.

I said MOST. The owner of the company is constant with his vitriol,

Arsenal are a club with real history

City are not a big club

Arsenal play the most attractive football in the prem

Nasri only joined because he is a mercenary

They are financially much more astute than us selling us players at inflated prices. plus they live within their means

Wenger is the best talent spotter in the universe. No Arsenal player would have a career if he hadn't signed them

Arsenal supporters would rather be top four not winning anything than spend our sort of money

We are universally despised by all true football fans

I could go on but you get the drift!

That is a typical arsenal view, being a london chelsea fan I hear this on a regular basis..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

but if you fancy a discussion ask them to tell you about Henry Norris, most likely they won't know who he is. For the record he is the man that pulled together footballs first franchise the south london Woolwich Arsenal. As this wasn't making the money he would have liked he upped sticks and moved across to North London and removed the name Woolwich.

At the outset of WWI Chelsea and spurs were the bottom two and were to be relegated. Chelsea got a reprieve due to a match fixing scandal involving your neighbours and Liverpool. Arsenal had finished SIXTH in the old second division but somehow got elected into the first division ahead of Spurs and the top five in the second division. Bribery was suspected but never proven suffice to say that a few years later Norris received a lifetime ban from football for "irregularities"

That is the basis of what formed the Arsenal you know today a corrupt businessman, bribery, and the original football franchise....It is this history that built the foundations at woolwich,sorry no Highbury, no I mean the Emirates.

Mention this and you'll be told it was a long time ago....isn't that what history is ? without that beginning would Arsenal be where they are today ?
I've noticed an alarming trend world wide of spite and bile aimed in our direction. Most of it is based on tabloidism. Makes you think that humans have some awfully spiteful traits.
When I speak to non City supporting friends they seem quite happy with our fortune and say they would love it to be their clubs. When I ask would they want their clubs to do any different to City if they had the backing they are unanimous in saying no.

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