Ashes to Ashes

Soulboy said:
So was the guy who claimed he was Sam Tyler, a couple of weeks ago, just a conman as Gene Hunt insisted?

Or was it something deeper...?


keats is the devil and was trying to get them to go to hell and he can do what ever or anything he can to make them pick hell he was working on them

and gene is the the link to heaven a grounded soul that is trying to make things right so they can understand that they are dead and have to make a choice of heaven or hell
Just watched it again. Overall I thought it was brilliant!

However, like someone has previously mentioned, I thought they skipped over the part where Ray, Shaz and Chris found out about their deaths far too quickly. That warranted a lot more gravitis rather than it being almost a throwaway couple of minutes.

Also still bemused by the bit at the end where Alex looks at Gene and then sees herself lying in a hospital bed. 'I'm in a hospital bed' she says, freaking out. And at that point she knows she is dead.
.....but she's in a coma! Wouldnt she be in a hospital bed??? Wasnt she in a hospital bed every time she flashed back to reality??
I've watched it twice now and still cant figure out why this time was different and revealed to her that she was dead.
Sure, straight after, the whole 9.06 thing was clever. But that bit about the bed still bemuses me.

I loved that Club Tropicana was blaring out in the car when they were returning to the station. Keats declaring 'I love this song! Think we should play it all the way back'.
Some of the songs lyrics -

Let me take you to the place
Where membership's a smiling face,
Brush shoulders with the stars.
Where strangers take you by the hand,
And welcome you to wonderland

Pack your bags,
And leave tonight.
Don't take your time,
Gotta move your feet, don't you miss the flight!
most of us got the ending about right

they was dead and in that place a time zone of choice
forgot they was dead and just living out a story from gene hunt

gene was the gatekeeper to heaven
keats was the devil

they all have a past that needed cleaning before they could go to heaven
and gene was helping them sort out a way to heaven
but first they had to get over there fears and it turned out it was how they die in the first place

once they remember they was dead or how they die
it was the end and a choice of heaven or hell

the one thing is why was keats not in life on mars for me
it was just a choice for sam go back or stay in limbo of 1973

great show and it deffo has a door open to a film (a british film)
and we need to see why gene was killed and why he stays in the after life
the whole story could be a great way to to find out why gene hunt
what is it with him and the after life

i think the next thing is to take the west end of london a play or musical about gene hunt great music great story lines what more do you need
Manci7y said:
Thought it was great. Especially with the tempter of another series when the bloke shouts for his iphone...

The thing I cant decide:

was the pub the way home (after a coma) or was it heaven???

I am leaning towards the heaven bit because you're not likely to go in to a coma after being stabbed or after hanging yourself. When Bolly started crying and said she wanted to see her daughter, Hunt said she will be ok.

Heaven, Gene said ''me and sam made an arrest and then i said i'll see you down the pub, get me one in''

railway arms = heaven

Absolutely superb ending, very unexpected, loved watching it and i'm really gonna miss it.

Daniel Mays who come into it for the 3rd series was outstanding, great actor, the scene he did in the office when he went mad was unreal, his ending to it made it what it is.

as much as i love it, i really don't want them to make anymore npw, they will just ruin it, it's ended perfectly and the finale with nelson brought a lump to my throat, very inspiring.

long live the gene genie.
I liked the whole imagery at the end. St Michael the Archangel is usually depicted victorious in battle as the protector of heaven with the devil at his feet, hence you had the scene directly outside The Railway Arms where Gene punched Keats and left him crawling and hissing on the floor. Very clever I thought.

Thinking back to the previous episode when Joshua disappeared mid conversation with Chris, I presume he was some Steve Biko type character who died as part of the struggle but was freed from his own purgatory by the compassion Chris showed and the knowledge that Alex gave him about the fight for equality not being in vain.

Also I'd guess the conman was another of the devils incarnations or 'assistants' if you will.

Could be wrong on all points though!
Loved the last episode last night. All made sense in the end. Like someone else said I'm pleased it did not go the way of the typical dreamy ending of her going back to her daughter.

Anyway can someone help me out with this question. My wife picked out an inconsistency or mistake or whatever. We are guilty of over analysing it but I just want to know if this happened and I can't be bothered watching it all the way back to check.

She says that in an earlier episode the black police officer who was killed the other week was seen as being a senior officer or commissioner in the current time. And that Sam or Bolly had said to him (as a junior officer) "you will go far" or "you have a great future ahead of you". Said on the basis they knew the future and knew he would have a good career. However how does that work if he was killed the other week and in fact they were all dead already.

Don't kill me for over analysing I just want to know if the Mrs has a point or not. Ta.
robsta said:
Loved the last episode last night. All made sense in the end. Like someone else said I'm pleased it did not go the way of the typical dreamy ending of her going back to her daughter.

Anyway can someone help me out with this question. My wife picked out an inconsistency or mistake or whatever. We are guilty of over analysing it but I just want to know if this happened and I can't be bothered watching it all the way back to check.

She says that in an earlier episode the black police officer who was killed the other week was seen as being a senior officer or commissioner in the current time. And that Sam or Bolly had said to him (as a junior officer) "you will go far" or "you have a great future ahead of you". Said on the basis they knew the future and knew he would have a good career. However how does that work if he was killed the other week and in fact they were all dead already.

Don't kill me for over analysing I just want to know if the Mrs has a point or not. Ta.

The characters were different. The guy from LOM stayed in Manchester. Quite a few other people got confused about that one too.
robsta said:
Loved the last episode last night. All made sense in the end. Like someone else said I'm pleased it did not go the way of the typical dreamy ending of her going back to her daughter.

Anyway can someone help me out with this question. My wife picked out an inconsistency or mistake or whatever. We are guilty of over analysing it but I just want to know if this happened and I can't be bothered watching it all the way back to check.

She says that in an earlier episode the black police officer who was killed the other week was seen as being a senior officer or commissioner in the current time. And that Sam or Bolly had said to him (as a junior officer) "you will go far" or "you have a great future ahead of you". Said on the basis they knew the future and knew he would have a good career. However how does that work if he was killed the other week and in fact they were all dead already.

Don't kill me for over analysing I just want to know if the Mrs has a point or not. Ta.

Your wife is confusing Viv with DC Glen Fletcher from Life on Mars. Glen was Sam Tylers Police Chief in Manchester who joins as a young DC when Sam is in 1973.
mackenzie said:
robsta said:
Loved the last episode last night. All made sense in the end. Like someone else said I'm pleased it did not go the way of the typical dreamy ending of her going back to her daughter.

Anyway can someone help me out with this question. My wife picked out an inconsistency or mistake or whatever. We are guilty of over analysing it but I just want to know if this happened and I can't be bothered watching it all the way back to check.

She says that in an earlier episode the black police officer who was killed the other week was seen as being a senior officer or commissioner in the current time. And that Sam or Bolly had said to him (as a junior officer) "you will go far" or "you have a great future ahead of you". Said on the basis they knew the future and knew he would have a good career. However how does that work if he was killed the other week and in fact they were all dead already.

Don't kill me for over analysing I just want to know if the Mrs has a point or not. Ta.

The characters were different. The guy from LOM stayed in Manchester. Quite a few other people got confused about that one too.
Cheers for that, I had begun to suspect that but memory isn't what it was.

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