Ashes to Ashes

denislawsbackheel said:
Satan was brilliantly understated


That actor is/was brilliant.

Slimy, creepy, intelligent and yet sympathetic on the odd occasion too.

I think that actor probably "made" this series tbh.<br /><br />-- Fri May 21, 2010 10:12 pm --<br /><br />
Chrisja1000 said:
Great ending ! Remind me why was Nelson at the pub ?

I assumed they went to the pub to come out of there coma's ?

I thought they entered the pub to pass the other side? As in accepting they were dead and recognising that.
The pub was the gateway to heaven, the elevator was the way to hell.

Bolly and the rest had all died, but were going into the railway arms to heaven i think...they weren't coming out of a coma, not quite sure though...
Was pretty damn good. Relief as well as chuffed.

But got a major gripe. Why did the Beeb put an advert for 80s music in the top corner of the screen for the final five minutes? Why are they so f***ing obsessed with advertising other facets of their broadcasting to the extent that they're prepared to compromise one of their big showcase events of the year?! Proper pissed me off that did.

Anyway, the ending was brilliant. So Alex was dead the whole time? And she died at 9.06? Is that right?

But why was she horrified when she saw herself in the hospital bed at the end? Why did that reveal to her that she was dead? Because surely she was expecting to return in a hospital bed, waking from her coma?
Or have I missed something?
Ye they were all dead and had to choose between he'll and redeeming themselves to get into heaven. Which was why Alex was so upset about Molly. Really do hope they don't do another one with the guy who walked in at the end, he seemed like a bit of a cock, going on about his iPhone. I hope they do all 3 series as a box set, I'd buy it in a flash!
The only thing I don't get is if the reason they are there is to be taken from purgatory to heaven, why was Sam Tyler not dead the first time he came to the 70s since he managed to escape and get back to his normal life, obviously he wasn't dying so what was he doing with Hunt in the first place
Lucky Toma said:
Was pretty damn good. Relief as well as chuffed.

But got a major gripe. Why did the Beeb put an advert for 80s music in the top corner of the screen for the final five minutes? Why are they so f***ing obsessed with advertising other facets of their broadcasting to the extent that they're prepared to compromise one of their big showcase events of the year?! Proper pissed me off that did.

Anyway, the ending was brilliant. So Alex was dead the whole time? And she died at 9.06? Is that right?

But why was she horrified when she saw herself in the hospital bed at the end? Why did that reveal to her that she was dead? Because surely she was expecting to return in a hospital bed, waking from her coma?
Or have I missed something?

She realised that it was always 9.06, the time she died in the hospital. As the time never changed, she worked out she hadn't survived after then
Lucky Toma said:
Was pretty damn good. Relief as well as chuffed.

But got a major gripe. Why did the Beeb put an advert for 80s music in the top corner of the screen for the final five minutes? Why are they so f***ing obsessed with advertising other facets of their broadcasting to the extent that they're prepared to compromise one of their big showcase events of the year?! Proper pissed me off that did.

Anyway, the ending was brilliant. So Alex was dead the whole time? And she died at 9.06? Is that right?

But why was she horrified when she saw herself in the hospital bed at the end? Why did that reveal to her that she was dead? Because surely she was expecting to return in a hospital bed, waking from her coma?
Or have I missed something?

Because Keats was the Grim Reaper and had 9.06 on his watch when she looked at it.

In other words, she knew she was dead.

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