Assault at stoke game


14 Nov 2009
Hi, hope you can help me, I am a season ticket holder, level 1 south stand. At half time at the Stoke game I was assaulted, which resulted in me being pulled with force from behind causing me to fall backwards, landing with force onto the concrete concourse, this caused me to have a serious cut to the back of my head in which I had to have stitches in. This happened near to the entrance of block 118, there were 3 males next to me. one of these caused this. The Police say the cctv did not capture anything, if anyone saw anything I would appreciate you getting in touch.
I have followed city all my life and have never experienced anything like this before. Males picking on a lone female ....disgraceful !!. I must say though the medical staff were 1st class and looked after me
Re: Assualt at stoke game

callie4blues said:
Hi, hope you can help me, I am a season ticket holder, level 1 south stand. At half time at the Stoke game I was assaulted, which resulted in me being pulled with force from behind causing me to fall backwards, landing with force onto the concrete concourse, this caused me to have a serious cut to the back of my head in which I had to have stitches in. This happened near to the entrance of block 118, there were 3 males next to me. one of these caused this. The Police say the cctv did not capture anything, if anyone saw anything I would appreciate you getting in touch.
I have followed city all my life and have never experienced anything like this before. Males picking on a lone female ....disgraceful !!. I must say though the medical staff were 1st class and looked after me

sorry to hear you had a problem i hope someone can help
Re: Assualt at stoke game

I saw you fall and then you being helped up.

I didn't see what caused you to fall but suspected that one of the guys behind you were involved but as nobody who was closer appeared to be blaming them, I presumed they weren't to blame, especially as one of them seemed to see if you were ok.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Hope you are ok now.
Re: Assualt at stoke game

never mind that you are Female, picking on someone who is one of "ours". Please help the Lady out, this is not needed at City. Cretins

Oh, and I hope there is no lasting damage.
Re: Assualt at stoke game

Beggars belief .....

what the hell is up with some of our number ???

Hope you are okay ....
Re: Assualt at stoke game

Shocking. I'm really sorry I can't help but just wanted to wish you a good recovery and express my disgust.
Only takes one idiot, I hope someone can help.
Re: Assualt at stoke game

Crikey that is a really shitty and utterly cowardly thing to do, society today is absolutely bolloxed, and to the person or persons responsible, do the decent thing and hand yourself/s over, an attack on a FEMALE or anybody for that matter from behind, is a spineless act of shitness !. I never thought I would of heard of this sort of behavior among such friendly and loyal fans. Hope you are ok.
Re: Assualt at stoke game

Lavinda Past said:
Hope you're fully recovered Callie and that they catch the scumbag who caused this.

Shame about the lack of CCTV... No doubt the cameras are all aimed at catching people smoking...

Stay strong Blue.

I think a lot depends on who you are too , with CCTV , and the Police ...

i don't recall them having to search for long for that Birmingham yob who broke that coppers nose at Maine Road some years back .... they had the CCTV photo up in hours , appeals out , and he was identified the day after, even though he was back in the Midlands by then !

And as far as im aware they still haven't identified the City fan who chucked that coin onto Rio Ferdinands head , and it's hard to believe that CCTV doesn't cover that part of the ground ..... i'll bet if it had of hit a copper on the head they would had him identified , up in court , and banned by the club by now !

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