Assault on Villa fans at ASDA corner

Corky said:
The not rights will probably 'write' a book about it in ten year's time.

They will have 'changed' by then, and in no way be showing off about taking drugs and fighting kids.

Oh dear.
Anyone know if this is still going on?
I've got home, logged on here and found out what happened.
I gather from previous threads on bluemoon that the accepted method of dealing with ruffians from Spaghetti Junction is to throw a fence at them, so I've been out in the backyard removing the timber panels and concrete stakes and loading them in the van.
It has taken me nearly two hours and I'm pissing with sweat and wheezing like an asthmatic donkey, but now I'm fully fenced up and ready to rock and roll.
After all, if they're asking for it and giving it the big un, then they'll ave it and can't complain if they get it. Whatever it is. Init.
Eat my creosote, Noddy Holder!!!
(Ps, I dispatched my brother to Piccadilly Station to mop up any stray sleeping shitbags who needed a slap, only to find the last train to New Street departed about 10 minutes after the final whistle. Darn it, foiled again. Will I ever be respected as pwopa nawty?)
Am I missing something? I'm 40, not interested in violence, take my two young children to the game and witnessed an idiot Villa fan flicking a fist toward a City fan walking down Ashton Rd, minding his own business which then leads to whatever unpleasantness, yet all the opprobrium is being heaped on City fans?

Whilst I know two wrongs do not make a right, I am quite shocked people are queuing up to have a pop at fellow Blues.
Pathetic incident. Villa fans were looking for it, it was only a dozen at most and they were the lads in Shambles square beforehand who had caused no problems whilst being in there. Samuel Smiths beer must have given them extra dutch courage
Corky said:
The not rights will probably 'write' a book about it in ten year's time.

They will have 'changed' by then, and in no way be showing off about taking drugs and fighting kids.

I'm sure you can throw a few more stereotypes in there.....can't you?

You missed out 'unemployed,broken home,single parent' blah blah blah..
I don't condone football violence in anyway at all, but it's all very simple...

If you go out looking for trouble, starting with other people (and innocent) running your mouth and giving it the big one, and you get a twatting for it then you deserve it, simple as.

for those on here saying the city fans were idiots, if one of them aston villa fans just punched you for no apparent reason tonight after the game, would you have just stood their and let them carry on, or maybe let them have another pop?

no would you bollocks, you'd fight back everytime, if it was one of your family/mates/relatives who got hurt you'd be fighting their corner everytime, so shut up.
1_barry_conlon said:
Corky said:
The not rights will probably 'write' a book about it in ten year's time.

They will have 'changed' by then, and in no way be showing off about taking drugs and fighting kids.

I'm sure you can throw a few more stereotypes in there.....can't you?

You missed out 'unemployed,broken home,single parent' blah blah blah..

You mean excuses used....
Corky said:
1_barry_conlon said:
I'm sure you can throw a few more stereotypes in there.....can't you?

You missed out 'unemployed,broken home,single parent' blah blah blah..

You mean excuses used....

If you knew anything you'd realise you're so wide of the mark it's untrue.

You reckon all football hooligans have this genetic make up do you?
When you go to an away game, you have two choices. Wear your colours with pride, have a few beers, maybe even have a few with some home fans, talk about the game and so on.
Or, you can act like you own the place, give the locals some shit, and generally ask for trouble.

It's not hard is it? Route one gets you a good day out, slightly pissed, and home safely. The other route may well end with you getting a kicking.

No point arguing about the rights and wrongs of fighting. You act like a dick, there's always another dick just waiting to chin you. That's life, don't act like a dick.

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