Atletico (A) - Post-Match Thread

There were only two bad tackles over the two legs. There’s nothing wrong with the way Atlético played or play in general, I don’t think they’re a particularly dirty team, and other than Felipe none of their players did anything that dangerous. They were a bit physical but nothing out of the ordinary.

What was funny was seeing their attitude unravel in front of our eyes because they couldn’t handle us playing them at their own game with diving, rolling around, wasting time, moaning at the ref, winding them up, laughing in their faces, calling them names, players rushing off the bench and running onto the pitch, manager laughing at their players, manager moaning at the ref and pointing at their bench… and making it all seem like it was them who were at fault because we did it in a way where we kept our cool and they lost the plot! That’s what they usually do and they couldn’t understand or accept us doing it back to them.

I reckon they’ll fucking hate us after last night!
Phil Foden was the stuff of legend last night. The boy has become a real man.
Atlético was hell-bent over the 2 legs not to make friends with Manchester city
last night was shocking and forget any respect ? they over stepped the mark and kicked us and headbutted and cheated their way out of the champions league.

it was old fashion bullying and intimation by them and the officials lost the plot. at one stage i thought he was going to send off a city player as well in that flash point ? i still don't know how we ended with 5 yellow cards and only 3 injuries.

let's hope we can recover in time for saturday and doing it all again at wembley
48 years since the AM Celtic debacle. Last night wasn’t as bad as that, but laid bare the dispicable nature of that apology of a football club. While there are weak referees and a totally ineffectual governing body(sorry corrupt), then they and others will continue with the cynical style.

We grew up last night as a club, and I am so. Proud of our performance.
Football: the never ending abuse of the word "passion" to disguise tribal thuggery. Cheating and law breaking never sorts men from boys, it reveals the cowardly thug.
Clearly no meeting of the minds here. Personally apart from the last 10 mins or so can't really see much wrong with what they tried to do last night. They had a right go particularly 2nd half and used the home support to great effect. Our lads were under the cosh big time and clearly growing in weariness but dug down to the bowels of the earth to grind out a result. Not a game to light up the ages but it turned out to be an epic arm wrestle which our boys can be proud of surviving.
Thought the players were mentally immense last night putting up with all sorts.

In my opinion Pep made all the right subs taking off the ineffective KDB & Bernie & putting on the experience of Fernie & pace of Raz. However, I was disappointed he didn't change the tactics with these subs. The attackers & midfield needed to get closer to the defenders to give them better options which more than often left with no option but to hoof it long to Phil who was never going to win headers. The Atletico pressing was impressive but all it needed were better quality on the ball to release Raz which would have made them think twice in pressing us so aggressively.

Anyway, all academic as we're in the semi finals!
Kev asked to come off as he was injured
There dark arts and a bit of shithousery or whatever it’s called these days but Fernandinho never goes out to injure people or take it too far. That’s not hypocritical or blue tinted specs either. That last night was bordering on Sunday league antics.
And yeah we do play football the right way and we should be applauded for it and those no marks yesterday should get no praise from anyone in football.

To try and compare them to Wimbledon of years gone by as well is an insult to the dons. Yes those boys knew there limits and mixed it up by never resorted to 90 minutes of that bullshit.

I’m 40 and forgive me as I don’t know your age but I really don’t recall this level of thuggery from teams for a constant 90 minutes. Maybe I’m a tad angry still at what went on last night but I just can’t agree that last night was a proper European football match and blood and guts type game.

It wasn’t. It went too far. The assault on foden in the first few minutes or the prick savic barging into foden when he was nowhere near the ball. They left the foot in after everything and that challenge on foden at the end where he had already won the ball could have broke his leg. Then the reactions after like they had done fuck all wrong. Na I’m not having any of that.

another lad has likened them to Wimbledon etc. Those boys could control there emotions and played on the edge and dare I say wouldn’t really have wanted to seriously injure someone for the whole 90 minutes. They would probably even pick you up after a challenger or have a wry smile.
This lot were totally out of control. Just look at the way the acted after the game and in the tunnel.
It’s not right and it’s not football.

Look I’m not trying to get into any kind of argument with you or anyone as we are all city fans and we see things differently in just passionate about what I saw last night and I didn’t like it one bit.
The fact you are 40 means you have only ever witnessed a sanitised version of the game.

You never saw the thuggery of Leeds, Chelsea, you cannot have seen much of early Wimbledon or any of the Italian sides who were renowned for it. Atleti are a throwback to that era, in that era every team had players who were hardmen, in my time Mick Doyle would have relished last night, Gerry Gow would have loved it, even the likes of Francis Lee would have been in his element.

I aint condoning Atleti btw, i just think they have found a way to play that suits them and they offer a challenge to teams that we rarely see nowadays.

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