Atmosphere - 2023/24

  • Thread starter Deleted member 77198
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Whilst I certainly do agree with that, I was also told that the pint glass thing isn't right and that everyone drinking had a can, but I'm old enough to know how quickly tales get out of hand! Look, whilst I trust the guy I spoke to about it 100% as he's just your normal fifty-something, never-been-in-a-fight type of guy, I wasn't there and have the same footage as everyone else has seen on which to try and draw a conclusion, but every person on that tram will probably point a different finger as to who caused what, who did what, etc, so it's for the authorities to determine the truth, not us.

If anything, I'm just annoyed that once again the younger end of our support have gotten involved another ugly incident at an away game. It's been creeping back in for the past few years and I know a few people who can't be arsed going to away games anymore because of stuff like this. I'm sure I speak on behalf of all good Town fans in saying we can't apologise enough for the behaviour of these bell ends.
Unfortunately all clubs have young gobby types following them who weigh about 10 stone but think they are built like Tyson Fury.

Im sure lads were not as gobby in the 70s/80s, they tended to fight rather than mouth.
How is that relevant? It’s a kid who’s just been glassed in the face. Whether it’s a city fan or a Huddersfield fan.

We don’t have the full context of it, but I don’t think anything justifies that attack. He could literally have been blinded.

I don’t think everyone is taring all Huddersfield fans with the same brush. We have plenty of idiots ourselves. What was clear yesterday though was that you had a small minority of what I would describe as teenagers trying to act all aggressive. Your older fans looked embarrassed.

Your last couple of sentences sums our support up perfectly in my opinion. The younger lot are so stupid and seemingly undeterred that it's actually quite frightening. I was no angel back in the day, as I'm sure many others on here weren't either, but there was generally always a line you just didn't think to cross. This lot however just don't seem to give a shit, all loaded up on beak in their smallest-size Stone Island jackets. Seen far too many incidents of fighting, smashed up kiosks, etc, to be surprised anymore.

Embarrassing is definitely the word I would use too. Just glad first and foremost that the kid is by and large okay.
I am pretty sure it is true. Assuming it’s the same incident, the best mate of the lad who got glassed (allegedly) is a friend of my youngest and his friend was with him at the time and confirmed it. Appreciate you’re a decent bloke but your general support yesterday was very negative and small time, with some isolated acts of aggression, in my opinion. I can only say that before yesterday I had a soft spot for huddersfield, I don’t any more. You are clearly a decent bloke and I wish you no ill will.

Fair enough that mate, I have similar beef with Birmingham fans for similar reasons, even though most are no doubt okay!
15 year old fan of ours gets attacked and yet we hear nothing from the club.

If the roles were reversed and a 15 year old Huddersfield fan had been attacked, I'm sure there'd already be a club statement and bans being handed out.
Also, the media would have been all over us like a tramp on chips.
OK have a scrap, if that’s what you want, but don’t pot someone. Shit house trick. Just like the Scousers and their Stanley knives.

At least the Russian Hooligans meet up in a field, have a proper fight with boxing gloves, teeth guards, and different coloured tops, and stop when one side is clearly winning.
I'm not condoning anything that happened during that incident, but I've spoken with someone I know very well who was not involved, but an eyewitness to the whole thing and the video doing the rounds does not give context to the whole incident apparently. There was wrongdoing from both sides, including alleged racial slurs from a couple of the City lads which I've been told sparked off the fighting. As for the lad making his way to hospital...well he certainly took his time as there is another video doing the rounds of him wearing the dried blood like a badge of honour and laughing and joking with his pals.

I'm not looking for an argument and again, I'm certainly not condoning anything that went on, particularly as this was on public transport, but it's important to keep an open mind when you don't have the full context. It'll all be on camera so just let the police work it out.

And dont tar all of us with the same brush. Every club has it's dickheads.
I certainly was going in with an open mind considering before I commented on anything is said "apparently what happened was:". , I'm very aware of how quickly a story can change.

In regards to the hospital, I have also seen the video of him with his mates after they got off the tram. Him and one of his mates then missed the game and went to hospital. I don't think anything I said originally was incorrect.

I'm completely aware that the city lads probably had something to say before the scuffle as well, I alluded to this when I said that they "gave them the response they were looking for". I didn't say anymore than that cause I don't know what was said, and speculation does more harm than good. If any racist slurs were used then I completely condone that of course.

If I'm honest those lads of ours, sit next to the away fans every game and give it the biggun from from behind the stewards. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.
Your last couple of sentences sums our support up perfectly in my opinion. The younger lot are so stupid and seemingly undeterred that it's actually quite frightening. I was no angel back in the day, as I'm sure many others on here weren't either, but there was generally always a line you just didn't think to cross. This lot however just don't seem to give a shit, all loaded up on beak in their smallest-size Stone Island jackets. Seen far too many incidents of fighting, smashed up kiosks, etc, to be surprised anymore.

Embarrassing is definitely the word I would use too. Just glad first and foremost that the kid is by and large okay.
Most fans are okay regardless of who they support , but all teams have dickheads following them as you mention.
The vasg majority if City fans i nnow and have met over the years are pretty spund. Back in the 80s I remember at Maine Road a Liverpool fan in his 60s(?) getting a bloody nose for simply wearing a scarf. Like most football fans I'm aware that club has always had (and still has) a considerable amount of twats following them ,but I remember thinking at time the City fans who did were real cowards!
Makes me laugh when people like these and the ones mentioned yesterday think they are tough/hard. The staff who work in A+E departments (especially during covid) or those who work with Psychiatric patients or kids with challenging behaviour or Prison, they have to be tough/strong/resilient in many ways.
Pissed up gobby blokes (or not as the case may be)attacking other blokes to prove how much testosterone they have to other gobshites ,not so sure about that really!?
Most fans are okay regardless of who they support , but all teams have dickheads following them as you mention.
The vasg majority if City fans i nnow and have met over the years are pretty spund. Back in the 80s I remember at Maine Road a Liverpool fan in his 60s(?) getting a bloody nose for simply wearing a scarf. Like most football fans I'm aware that club has always had (and still has) a considerable amount of twats following them ,but I remember thinking at time the City fans who did were real cowards!
Makes me laugh when people like these and the ones mentioned yesterday think they are tough/hard. The staff who work in A+E departments (especially during covid) or those who work with Psychiatric patients or kids with challenging behaviour or Prison, they have to be tough/strong/resilient in many ways.
Pissed up gobby blokes (or not as the case may be)attacking other blokes to prove how much testosterone they have to other gobshites ,not so sure about that really!?
The vast majority of City fans I know, I meant to put in the 2nd paragraph (sounds like I'm pissed up!)
I'm not condoning anything that happened during that incident, but I've spoken with someone I know very well who was not involved, but an eyewitness to the whole thing and the video doing the rounds does not give context to the whole incident apparently. There was wrongdoing from both sides, including alleged racial slurs from a couple of the City lads which I've been told sparked off the fighting. As for the lad making his way to hospital...well he certainly took his time as there is another video doing the rounds of him wearing the dried blood like a badge of honour and laughing and joking with his pals.

I'm not looking for an argument and again, I'm certainly not condoning anything that went on, particularly as this was on public transport, but it's important to keep an open mind when you don't have the full context. It'll all be on camera so just let the police work it out.

And dont tar all of us with the same brush. Every club has it's dickheads.
Total bollocks. Your fans were singing racist songs about Arabs all day. Thousands of them. Didn't realise you had such a large far-right support.

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